Make Your Own Kimchi

October 17th, 2013 | Posted by Alison Spath in Vegetable Lovin' - (11 Comments)

We discovered kimchi about 3 years ago, thanks in part to The 4 Hour Body (a gimmicky book but some aspects were informative and entertaining nonetheless.)  Kimchi is an Asian dish – it’s a spicy, sour fermented cabbage. Fermented foods like yogurt, sauerkraut, real pickles (and kimchi!) are an important part of your diet (have I convinced you read Deep Nutrition yet?  Come on people!)

With that, store bought kimchi (or kim chee) seems to fall under one of two categories:

Category 1: Not that good.

Category 2: Not that cheap.


December 19th, 2010 | Posted by Alison Spath in Party Time - (6 Comments)

It recenytly occur4red to me that I’m still not using my left pointer finger when I type.

My finger felon incision has completely healed, but is sttill a bit tenderr. I keep findigng that figner hanging out in the air when I ttype though, completely slacking off.  Itt’s more than willing ot let all the other finrges do all of its ditry wor5k.

Finger in the Air

(You do remebmer how I take these pictures, right?)