Make Your Own Kimchi

October 17th, 2013 | Posted by Alison Spath in Vegetable Lovin' - (11 Comments)

We discovered kimchi about 3 years ago, thanks in part to The 4 Hour Body (a gimmicky book but some aspects were informative and entertaining nonetheless.)  Kimchi is an Asian dish – it’s a spicy, sour fermented cabbage. Fermented foods like yogurt, sauerkraut, real pickles (and kimchi!) are an important part of your diet (have I convinced you read Deep Nutrition yet?  Come on people!)

With that, store bought kimchi (or kim chee) seems to fall under one of two categories:

Category 1: Not that good.

Category 2: Not that cheap.

Welcome to CSA Jeopardy! The answer-and-question game where you choose a prize value from one category and Alex Trebek gives you an answer.  You know, the one where your response has to come in the form of a question?

Yeah, you know it. And you’re totally gonna play.

Or should I say “What is, You’re Totally Gonna Play?”

Today we’re playing the CSA version because that’s where some of the ingredients in this recipe for Asian Coleslaw came from.  And because CSA seems to be my favorite overused acronym lately.

Enough with the chit chat, let’s get started.