Like a School Girl

December 16th, 2009 | Posted by Alison Spath in Late Night Craziness - (18 Comments)

I have to be honest. For the last week or so I feel like I’ve been walking around with my head in the clouds. I barely recognize myself or my life right now. I’m so distracted it’s almost like I’ve got an innocent little crush. Moving to the new house seems more real now that we’ve been spending more time there. As our official Moving Day draws closer I find myself daydreaming and thinking about the new house more and more.

Didn’t I just write a post this morning about living in the moment? Hypocrisy thy name is Alison.


December 16th, 2009 | Posted by Alison Spath in Breakfast - (15 Comments)

When my knees start to hurt on my runs, that’s my sign I need new running sneakers.

When the waist band of my jeans starts to feel a little snug, that’s my sign that I’ve been a bit too heavy handed with the nut butters.

And when my house is a mess, that’s my sign that we’ve been really busy.

[Notice there is no picture of my disaster of a house here? Yeah, the lack of photography was no accident.]

May or May Not

December 15th, 2009 | Posted by Alison Spath in Late Night Craziness - (12 Comments)

We may or may not have shopped for produce at the little Wegmans in the Museum of Play today.

Fake Produce

She may or may not be more gentle with the fake produce than the paid store cashiers can be with the real stuff.


This may or may not be the most ironic picture considering the girl eats practically NO vegetables. And has never eaten a banana in her entire life – except unknowingly in fruit smoothies.

We may or may not have broken the “Only 5 Items at a Time” shopping rule.

Eating Out of Their Hands

December 14th, 2009 | Posted by Alison Spath in Dinner Time - (18 Comments)

Why, hello.

Half a Face

This would be my view for much of our 4 hoursĀ in the woods today. Who wants to walk when you can be carried?

Despite lugging around 30 lbs of toddler, we had a great time with our homeschooling friends and our day outside!

Into the Woods

We walked the trails at a local park and spent the day exploring the woods. We inspected animal tracks in the snow, listened to birds and best of all, waited for chickadees to come eat pumpkin seeds and walnuts out of our hands.

Isaiah and Ava Waiting

Terribly Tired Tooth Fairy

December 14th, 2009 | Posted by Alison Spath in Breakfast - (18 Comments)

We were almost forced to write a strongly worded email to the Tooth Fairy this morning. Apparently the Tooth Fairy slept like a rock last night and did not wake up in the middle of the night like she expected to. Fortunately, the toothless child in question decided to use the bathroom before she remembered about the visit from the Winged Dental Nymph and our crisis was averted.

We’ve got an outdoor homeschool adventure on tap first this morning which will suffice for a workout today. I spent my usual workout time prepping food and packing lunches.

Sweet Tooth Fairy

December 13th, 2009 | Posted by Alison Spath in Parenting - (13 Comments)

Guess who’s coming to our house for the first time tonight?

The Tooth Fairy is Coming Tonight

That would be the Tooth Fairy!

(You try and get a 5 year old to smile in such a way that she holds her lip out of the way! Go ahead! Just try!)

So yes, Ava lost her first tooth today! It came out just a half hour before we left for an OrKIDStra presentation of The Snowman this afternoon.

Holding Our Tickets for The Snowman at the RPO

The Snowman by Raymond Briggs is a children’s book that was made into a short animated film. Like the book, the film is wordless – but has an orchestral score.

Catch Up

December 13th, 2009 | Posted by Alison Spath in Life - (6 Comments)

It feels like a week has gone by in the span of about 48 hours. The last couple of days have been filled the disassembly of our current household to be packed and driven to our the new house about 20 minutes away. It’s felt a lot like putting together a puzzle that’s missing all sorts of pieces, including crucial corner and edge pieces like couches, beds, tables, dressers and bookcases.

We have made countless (ok, maybe 5) trips to the new house in the last two days. Anything non-essential (read: anything that is not mine) is subject to being packed up and shipped off to the new Weeds Family Urban Compound.

Treadmill Fantasies

December 11th, 2009 | Posted by Alison Spath in Morning Craziness - (23 Comments)

Last night I got to thinking about how much I enjoyed my treadmill run earlier that morning. It was actually really nice and I got a great run in without freezing my face off in the bitter cold wind and snow. This is slightly amusingly to me because I use to detest the dreadmill and felt like it was more of a torture device than a piece of workout equipment.

I think it might be possible that the treadmill is starting to grow on me.

A Breakfast Carol

December 10th, 2009 | Posted by Alison Spath in Breakfast - (15 Comments)

Today felt like an overnight oats kind of morning. Except I didn’t make overnight oats last night. Good thing “Overnight Oats” is just a trick of a name and it could more accurately be called “Just a Few Hours Oats”.

Into a bowl at 6 AM: 1/2 a mashed banana, 1/2 c of rolled oats, 1 Tbsp of almond butter, 1 Tbsp ground flax, a tsp of unsweetened cocoa powder and 1/2 c of chocolate almond milk.

Oat Prep Bowl

And a single chocolate chip because I’m rowdy like that.

1 Chocolate Chip

Closing Time

December 9th, 2009 | Posted by Alison Spath in Life - (33 Comments)

It’s done! We officially bought our new house today!

We're Home!

Yes I’m wearing my favorite pink hat inside – the thermostat is set to 58 until we move in YO!

Zak worked from home this morning and we left for the bank while Aunt Ellen graciously agreed to take our children off our hands for the day. We left early to sign on the dotted line about 30 times each and then went straight from the bank to the new house to drop off boxes and soak in that new old house smell.