Buckle Up For Safety

January 27th, 2010 | Posted by Alison Spath in Parenting - (13 Comments)

Recently, the girls spent the day with my mom and my step father. My step dad happens to be named Dave, and Ava and Maxine affectionately call him “GrandDave”.

Ava loves all things volcanoes these days, and after watching a volcano movie at Granny and GrandDave’s house during their visit (yes, they still get to watch TV at other people’s houses!) a little discussion about volcano safety ensued between Ava and GrandDave:

Ava: When a volcano erupts, the lava goes real fast and you have to run real fast to get out of the way of the lava flow. Sometimes you can’t run fast enough and you die.

A Fish Tale

December 30th, 2009 | Posted by Alison Spath in Parenting - (18 Comments)

So admittedly, I’ve been doing very little cooking in recent weeks, this last week in particular. I feel like I’m just now getting my bearings in this new kitchen. I’ve been busy finding a place for everything, trying to figure out what’s going to work, what’s not, what I need and what I don’t, what can be donated, thrown away or put into storage to be dug out as needed all while wondering where the hell all this crap came from in the first place.

A Fast Mile

October 17th, 2009 | Posted by Alison Spath in Breakfast - (17 Comments)

Well why don’t you just make yourself at home Hissy?

Making Herself At Home

Hissy has in fact made herself at home, I happened upon her last night in the bathroom hanging out on the sink.

Hissy Brush Teeth

A little snake charming last night, a little charming pre-run snack this morning.

Why Do Dates Always Look Creepy?

Why do dates look so creepy when you cut into them? And then to top it all off – it coughs up this gigantic bug-like pit! This is a cruel joke of nature if you ask me. Here! Eat this thing that looks disgusting but tastes unbelievable! Try it – it’s good, I promise! Just don’t look at it.

One Armed Carrot Jokes

September 18th, 2009 | Posted by Alison in Late Night Craziness - (25 Comments)

Who doesn’t want a little AliSUN in their day?


Anyone who doesn’t read this blog, apparently.

I ran to the soothing sounds of having New Moon read to me. Finally! Someone who reads to me!

New Moon - Visitor

I set out to run 5 miles and was back in about 40 minutes. I was ready to be done running but not ready to head back inside yet so I hopped on my bike for a 20 minute cool down ride and took advantage of the opportunity for a slightly longer work out today.

Tofu Cakes I Did Make

September 10th, 2009 | Posted by Alison in Dinner Time - (22 Comments)

After lunch today we were off to run some errands and explored a brave new frontier. OK really it was just a playground we’d never been to before. Brave new frontier sounds much more interesting though if you ask me.

A dino? Or a rhino? You decide.

Dino?  Or Rhino?

This was my second attempt to take this picture…

Swinging Things

My first attempt was thwarted by this… this… THING!
