Mango Madness

October 13th, 2009 | Posted by Alison Spath in Breakfast - (19 Comments)

Another Tuesday, another glass of green goodness. Today’s green juice was pretty typical. Romaine, cucumber, lemon, ginger, with the addition of a red bell pepper and some spinach. The orange-ish tint at the top of the glass was sponsored by the red pepper.

Green Lemonade with Red Pepper

Zak wanted to swim laps this morning so I stayed home with snoozing children and enjoyed a “rest day” while I folded and put away laundry, tidied up and swept and mopped the kitchen floor. I think I feel equally satisfied with my clean floor as I would have if I’d run 5 miles this morning.

I found mangoes on sale yesterday and grabbed one to be the star of fruit cereal this morning!

Star of the Fruit Cereal

I didn’t realize until it was too late (read: sliced into) that this mango wasn’t perfectly ripe. I don’t eat them enough to know exactly what a ripe mango is supposed to look like and feel like. But it was still sweet and the crunch ended up working perfectly for fruit cereal this morning.

Mango Fruit Cereal

Diced mango slices, diced banana, tossed in 1/4 c or so of ground flax seed, topped with a tablespoon of unsweetened shredded coconut, sliced almonds and a nice pour of unsweetened vanilla Living Harvest hemp milk.

Take a Bite

A totally tropical breakfast on a cold fall morning in upstate New York. I’m going to continue with my tropical theme in just a moment by making it very hot and humid in my bathroom. That sounds a little strange but really it’s just a more interesting way to say I’m about to take a shower.

Did you happen to notice that my mango and my juice sort of match? I did that on purpose of course.

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Today we did nothing but stay home most of the day and play catch up. I wore my stay at home mom uniform all day: t-shirt, hoodie, sweat pants, no bra. I swapped out my sweat pants for jeans when we ran Ava to dance class and got a few groceries late this afternoon – still no bra, thank you hoodie. You’ll be glad to know I’m back in my uniform once again.

I’ve been in search of the perfect homemade veggie burger recipe for a while now. The black bean burgers I make are quick, easy and tasty, but they aren’t perfect. They are pretty mushy and need a little more structure.

I got a little closer to veggie burger perfection with another version of black bean burgers, made with sun dried tomatoes and sunflower seeds, but they were still a little too soft. Better, but not perfect. Those lost points in the ease department.

I’m not going to take this challenge lying down. Today I studied a few more recipes and came up with something new, something different. A recipe involving everyone’s favorite pseudo grain – quinoa!


1 cup of dry quinoa, cooked according to package directions. (1 cup of quinoa + 2 cups of water, cooked for about 10 – 15 minutes)
1 15 oz can of cannellini beans
3/4 cup ground flax seed
1/2 cup sunflower seeds
1 – 2 cloves of garlic
dash of kosher salt

Once quinoa is ready, add all ingredients into the food processor and process until well combined.

Quinoa Burger Mush

This worked very well. It stuck together well without being too sticky in my hands, like my bean burgers always are. It held together perfectly and I love the taste the quinoa gave it. In my mind the food processor is “easy”, but still not as easy as mashed beans with a fork. Actually, you probably could mash the quinoa in with the beans and stir everything else in… at the very least it would make for a good arm workout.

Eatin' Out of the Palm of My Hand

When I started working on the veggie burgers, I also preheated the oven to 350 for some kale chip action.

Bagged, triple washed kale. What a miracle. Worth all 299 pennies.

Bagged Kale

Misto‘d with olive oil and sprinkled with nutritional yeast. I usually use parm but thought I’d try the nooch tonight.

Kale Chips with Nutritional Yeast

My quinoa burger was cooked in a lightly sprayed frying pan and cooked for about 5 – 8 minutes on each side. Served on an Ezekiel roll with mustard, dill pickle, lettuce and tomato. And oh yeah, a huge pile of kale chips.

Quinoa Burger and Kale Chips

Hope you’ve got a nice big mouth! Oh yes, I believe I do.

Hope You've Got a Big Mouth

All things considered this was a great burger! It tasted pretty neutral and could have used more seasoning of some sort, but I was experimenting and didn’t want to mess with too many variables. It had a nice consistency, wasn’t too sticky but wasn’t too dry either. Quinoa really is a wonder seed! This recipe made five good sized patties, I probably could have squeaked out a sixth had been a little more frugal with the first two patties.

So I don’t think I’ve nailed the perfect homemade veggie recipe just yet, but I’m getting there!

In other news, I added to my reusable bag collection today! Exciting stuff.

New Reusable Bag

Thermal baby! Oh yes, I’ve been waiting for you thermal bag. Finally, you are mine – just in time for winter when I don’t have to worry about keeping my groceries cold in the car. Perfect.

Thermal Reusable Bag Baby!

Before I sign off, I’ll share a little something over heard from the kitchen today:

Ava, frustrated with Maxine about something: Maxine, if you don’t stop I’m going to break up with you.

Maxine: GASP NO! Don’t break up with me!

Ava: Too late. I already did.

7th grade flash back. 7th grade flash back!!

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Zak had to leave earlier than usual this morning so I had to hit the gym first thing. Out the door just after 6, I split up my time on the cardio equipment between the elliptical, stair climber and wrapping it up with interval sprints on the treadmill, 15 minutes on each. The time just flies by when I do it this way!

After 15 minutes of weights I was on my way home so Zak could get out the door. I had juice on the brain this morning and I realized I had enough produce to make my very own V8 this morning.


My eight vegetables:

Red Pepper

After all vegetables were juiced I added a sprinkle of cayenne pepper for an additional kick in the teeth. Tomatoes in juice were SO good – it tasted just like gazpacho! Well duh Alison – it basically was gazpacho in a glass minus the fiber and garlic. Oooo – garlic! I should have made it a V9.

I also whipped out a bag of cranberries I bought for juicing, but decided to make cranberry sauce today instead. I’ll buy another bag for juicing next time.

Bag of Cranberries

I basically followed the instructions on the bag for making cranberry sauce.

1 cup of water and 1 cup of sugar (YOWZA!) 1/4 c agave nectar. I also sprinkled in a little cinnamon.

Bring water to a boil and add 12 oz of rinsed and drained cranberries.


Once water and berries return to a boil, reduce to a simmer and allow berries to cook for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

The berries break down and voila – cranberry sauce! I’m allowing the sauce to cool at room temp and then will cover and transfer to the refrigerator. Last year I top cooked oatmeal with this cranberry sauce. This could work well on the side with homemade stuffing and acorn squash too!

Cranberry Sauce

Now it’s time to head on over the Health Blog Helper and check out today’s Health Bloggers Dish interview with Kath from Kath Eats Real Food! Kath’s got a bunch of great things to say about blogging – be sure to check it out!

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The Reasons I Had Kids

October 11th, 2009 | Posted by Alison Spath in Life - (20 Comments)

Today the girls spent some time with Zak’s mom Kath while he and I ventured off to a couple of open houses to peruse homes for sale. It’s likely that we’re going to blow our suburban pop stand and move closer to the crunchy granola homeschooling action in the city – closer to Zak’s office too.

When we were reunited this afternoon we took a big family walk through the fields and woods behind Kath’s house. Miss Maxine rode in the Baby Hawk Mai Tei and I almost forgot that she always falls asleep in this carrier. Today was no exception.

Cold, Sleepy Walk

While Zak and I were on the house hunting prowl this afternoon the girls were busy with Kath whipping up dinner and dessert for everyone tonight!

Finally, the kids are cooking for me. That’s what this kid raising thing is all about I tell ya.

With Kath they put together a delicious vegetarian lasagna filled with carrots, zucchini and mushrooms. I never make vegetarian lasagna with a white sauce and Kath’s version is always a welcome treat!

Kath's Lasagna

For dessert we enjoyed homemade carrot cake with a child assisted cream cheese frosting. Ava and Maxine both eagerly informed me they licked the beaters after they helped make frosting. The beaters don’t fall far from the mixer. Or however that saying goes.

Carrot Cake Pumpkin Ice Cream

Served with some PUMPKIN ice cream from a local custard shop. A.Mazingly pumpkiny, who doesn’t love pumpkin flavored anything this time of year?

Tonight when we regaled our house touring adventures I mentioned one house had a mud room that I really liked – at which point Ava gasped and bugged her eyes as she exclaimed “a MUD room?? I want to live there!”

Not what you’re thinking kid, but I totally agree! I want to live in a house with a mud room too!

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Orange You Glad It’s Sunday?

October 11th, 2009 | Posted by Alison Spath in Breakfast - (18 Comments)

Pineapple, I have someone I’d like you meet. This is my new friend, Breville.

Pineapple, Meet Juicer

Now that my mom has gotten into juicing she’s become my juice muse. She’s turning me on to all sorts of juice books and has inspired me to think outside the romaine bag.

I bought a pineapple a few days ago with intent to ring it out in the juicer. Today was the day my conifer seed shaped fruit had a juice date with some carrots, an apple and ginger.

In the Pineapple Bush

And to think as a kid pineapple was my mortal enemy. I use to play dodge ball with the pineapple in fruit cocktail, aiming instead for peaches, pears and cherries. Now it’s the star of the show.

I selected my running ensemble with care, to match my juice. Donning an orange shirt to celebrate the wonder of carrots in vegetable juice.

Orange Shirt

A crisp, cool 5 some odd miles and 40 some odd minutes later I was home to put together some fruit cereal.

Orange Fruit Cereal

Two diced bananas, two diced dates tossed in flax with some hand crushed walnuts. Topped post-photo shoot with some unsweetened vanilla hemp milk.

One of the best features of fruit cereal? It doesn’t get soggy. Not like regular cereal anyway. It is of course soft and mushy given it’s made of FRUIT after all, but nuts aren’t losing their crunch while you get up four times to fetch more yogurt, toast, dropped spoons and extra napkins for your dining companions.

Doesn't Get Soggy

Orange you glad it’s Sunday? Me too.

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Innocent Until Proven Guilty

October 10th, 2009 | Posted by Alison Spath in Dinner Time - (11 Comments)

This juice sure looks innocent, doesn’t it? Today was the first day I made juice for both Zak and myself with the Breville. Zak likes a lot of ginger and the new juicer handles ginger like a real champ. These two facts are a dangerous combination, as I was a little too eager and generous with the ginger this morning.

Holy Ginger

I’m fairly certain that this juice tunneled new pathways in my sinuses. I think I shook my head and bugged out my eyes after every sip. But I still drank it all! No worries. I think I’m fully protected from any sort of flu that might try to invade my immune system from now until 2011, Swine or otherwise.

The grapes sure look innocent, don’t they?


And they were. I ate them off the vine like Cleopatra waiting for my buddy Shawn to arrive so we could for a bike ride.

What’s wrong with this picture?

Bike Ride

Who’s wearing a helmet and who’s not? Who’s wearing long sleeves and long pants on a 50 degree day and who’s not? Actually, never mind. Nothing is wrong with that picture, everything is as it should be. Sensible Women and the Men They Work Out With – I think that’s going to be title of my memoir.

Book titles aside, Shawn and I ran a lot together this summer but have never gone for a ride together. Boy I tell ya there is NOTHING like working out with a friend. The time just flies by, and if you work out with someone who is bigger and stronger than you it really helps up your intensity too. Shawn benefits because he feels like a big tough man so everyone wins.

We had an interesting conversation about being chased by dogs after passing a dog straining on it’s leash in our general direction about 6 miles in to our ride. My approach? I just yell and act like I’m the alpha dog and so far (knock on wood) it has never failed me. Shawn? He claims he a) can out run or ride any dog so he’s not concerned. He also says that b) if he got bit by a dog he would just bite back.

I’m going to get started on my memoir as soon as I hit publish.

We rode 16 miles and were gone about an hour and 15 minutes. It was chilly but still a beautiful day, especially from the comfort of a long sleeved shirt and long pants.

I’ve had potato pancakes on the brain for a few days now and decided they would make the perfect post ride lunch today.

I shredded two large sweet potatoes in the food processor and one medium onion too.

Shredded Potatoes

In a large bowl I scrambled 3 eggs and added 3 tablespoons of whole wheat flour, 1/2 tsp baking powder, dashes of salt, pepper and dried parsley. I added the shredded potato and onion and stirred until well combined. I coated the pan with coconut oil and dropped in the potato batter and flattened with the spatula.

They sure look promising, don’t they? They smelled promising too!

They Sure Look Promising

I could NOT get these suckers to stick together for anything. Somewhere along the way I got the hiccups making me even more frustrated and ready to launch the whole thing straight through the kitchen window.


I added a little more flour. For the second round I coated the pan with olive oil instead of coconut oil. No dice. Third batch? Swapped out olive oil for canola oil. The canola oil worked best but I think that was most likely due to recklessly pouring oil into the pan like a drunk hostess serving wine at a party. About a half dozen dramatic sighs, 14 hiccups and a gallon of canola oil later I finally had something that resembled pancakes. They probably stuck together so well because they soaked up a lot of the oil, turning a relatively healthy meal into a grease bomb.

This was one non-grease bomb pancake that looked some what presentable. Served with applesauce.

I ate the failed mess pancakes plus the lone pretty one I got. They tasted great, no complaints there! But ascetically pleasing? Not so much. Zak the human compost ate the grease bombs, which also tasted great but then again even a fried piece of paper would taste great.

Barely Passed

I’m not sure what exactly went wrong here, I normally have good luck with potato pancakes. But I also usually use white potatoes, so I’m blaming those deliciously devious sweet potatoes. White potatoes seem to release more water when they’re waiting their turn for the pan, and I think that might help them hold together better?

One thing’s for certain though: I no longer have potato pancakes on the brain.

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Turn It Up

October 9th, 2009 | Posted by Alison Spath in Breakfast - (13 Comments)

A typical Friday morning, a typical Friday morning run. I considered waiting to run until this afternoon since the girls will be off with Aunt Ellen for the day, but the blasted weather man is calling for rain so I went out early to beat feet to beat the rain drops.

Today when I was cruising along to a playlist instead of a podcast or audio book, I remembered something Brendan Brazier talks about in Thrive.

When we hear a loud noise unexpectedly, we might jump and get a little surge of adrenaline, which is a survival mechanism that triggers the Fight or Flight response. Brendan says that loud music can create a similar effect. It can get your adrenaline pumping and can increase athletic performance.

I thought of this today as I was rounding the corner at the end of my 5 mile run, almost to the house when one of my more recent favorites queued up – Forever by Chris Brown. (The Office last night anyone? Too stinkin’ funny!)

Brendan writes that loud music can be stimulating in a way that can actually reduce your perception of pain and can allow you to push harder, run faster and longer than normal. It’s basically a way to give yourself a natural energy rush! I know I’ve experienced this before and you probably have too, but I didn’t really understand the biology behind it until I read Thrive.

When Forever came on this morning, I turned it up and immediately felt compelled to rocket off, sprinting hard and fast, blowing right past the house aiming for the opposite end of the street. I felt like I was flying! It was amazing and seemingly came out of no where.

I didn’t turn it up so loud that the sound emanating from my ear buds might wake my sleeping children inside the house as I zoomed by, but it was a higher volume than I would normally run at. I felt perfectly safe as I transformed for 45 seconds from suburban housewife runner to Atalanta on my neighborhood street in broad daylight facing traffic all the while. I’m so rowdy.

Speaking of rowdy – let’s have ice cream for breakfast!

Ice cream – or really banana whip. Potato, Potato.

Bananas For Breakfast

Topped with ground flax seed and sliced almonds. Ava took hers straight up, Maxine opted for Kashi Waffles. That kid doesn’t know what she’s missing.

Banana Whip Friday

Are you dancing to Forever in your chair right now like I am? Go ahead, you can sprint. It’s natural.

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Farewell to the Acme Juicer

October 8th, 2009 | Posted by Alison Spath in Dinner Time - (13 Comments)

Oh Acme Juicer – you’ve done right by me.


The green just flows so easily from your spout.

Juicer Action

You’ve made me countless glasses of green juice.

Juice Poll

And some red juice too.

Green to Purple

We’ve had a lot of fun together.

Sneaky Juice

You’ve made me smile.

Green Juice

You’ve made me cry.

Liquid Bronze

But now it’s time to say farewell. I’m sure you’ll enjoy your new home with Mallory, wherever it is that Mallory lives. I’m sure she’ll take good care of you will appreciate you as much as I did.

She’s all yours Mallory! Send me your mailing address to and the Acme beast will be on it’s way to you tomorrow!

So where were we? Oh yes. When we were last together my beans were taking a spa in the crock pot.

Eight or so hours later and I had myself some un-fried re-fried beans. I added a lot more cumin, chili powder and salt throughout the day, to get the spices to my liking. I mashed them with a potato masher about half way through and then continued to stir them every hour or so.

The majority was transferred from the crock pot into a separate dish.

Transferred Beans

The rest were transferred to a whole wheat tortilla for quesadillas.

Quesadillas in the Making

Topped with a little cheese and a second tortilla to be transferred to my mouth.

Bean Ooze

I’ll stop now and won’t elaborate on where the beans will be transferred next.

One more shot, let’s take it from the top! Served with a helping of some homemade guac.

From the Top

Now I’m off to fetch some tissues, my little trip down memory juice lane has me misting up.

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I’m feeling a lot of pressure from this juicer giveaway – this isn’t going to be easy. I want to give a juicer to everyone! If you still want a chance to win my old juicer, you’ve got until tonight to leave a comment on yesterday’s post.

I’m still squealing with delight over foam-less juice. Foam didn’t really bother me before, but I think it looks much more appetizing with out it.

No Foam!  Again!

Today’s vegetable juice contained a large beet, a carrot, a cucumber, 1/2 head of romaine lettuce, an apple and a lemon. The apple gives it the perfect amount of sweetness.

I spotted this sticker at the bottom of the dishwasher this morning. It must have come off the juicer when it was washed yesterday.

Do Not Put Hands Down the Feed Tube

I didn’t think the shoot looked that big though. Really? My hand can fit in there? I don’t believe it.

Yup, it Fits

Well believe it. It fits. Took a bit of finger maneuvering but oh yeah, I got it in there. Guess I can still juice my hand with the new juicer after all.

Thank goodness I’ve never seen a sticker that says “Do Not Put Head In Microwave”. I have no question that my head would fit though. It’s pretty big. (Both my head and the microwave.)

After pushing the limits of my juicer’s safety features and wondering if a picture of my head on the rotating plate of the microwave would be funny, I busted out the crock pot to get a jump start on dinner.

Who wants refried beans?

Beans in Crockpot

3 cups of dried pinto beans, sorted and rinsed (I’m using a combo of pinto, red and pink beans today because I only had a quarter bag of pintos)
8 cups of water
1/4 c diced jalapeno peppers (I used jarred)
1 or 2 gloves of garlic
1 – 2 Tbsp cumin
1 Tbsp chili powder
dash of salt

The crock pot is set to high, I’ll stir it occassionally and and will probably move it to low in about 4 – 5 hours to be mashed once they soften up. I think we’ll do burritos for dinner tonight!

For breakfast today I crossed chia pudding with fruit cereal to make breakfast pudding.

Two diced bananas, a tsp of unsweetened cocoa powder, a tablespoon or so of chia seeds with unsweetened chocolate almond milk. Stirred together and placed in the fridge for about 20 minutes so the chia seeds could do their gel thang.

Chia Seed Breakfast Pudding

Check it out! The spoon stands right up! The wonder of chia seed gel.

Spoon Stands Up

This was ok. I sort of wish I’d have mashed the banana because I felt like I was transported via time machine to a picnic in the 80’s eating that weird jello dessert with chunks of fruit in it. Not the best, but I do think this has some potential.

I feel like I’ve had a bunch of time this morning. What’s up with that? Oh yeah, no work out! Geez man, look at all the things I could do with my time if I didn’t run most mornings! That probably explains though why I haven’t juiced my hand yet. Running keeps me out of trouble.

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School Daze

October 7th, 2009 | Posted by Alison Spath in Parenting - (14 Comments)

We’ve had a busy day.

We hit up the children’s museum today with some of our homeschooling friends. That blur would be Maxine.

Blurry Max

Dancing Machines!

Dance Dance Revolution!

Maxine hearts unicorns. Mommy hearts gingerbread men cookies. No one would take a picture of me hugging that guy up there though, especially with the security guard standing under me threatening to escort us out if I didn’t get down off the wall.

Maxine Hearts Unicorns

Working hard on a tracing project.

Hard at Work

Crossing the Pond – without getting too close to the giant over there in the corner.

Cross the Pond

And just when I thought we hadn’t done enough today, Zak the Lego Maniac came home from work early and proposed we go swimming. Three votes yes, one vote no. My objection was overruled by hootin’ and hollern’ and emptyin’ of drawers to find bathing suits and towels and goggles.

Fine. Hoot. Hollar. Let me get my suit.

Pool Time

Since the pool we swim in is at a university, we stopped in a class room on our way out of dodge for a little lesson on letters and numbers by Teacher Ava. What’s with the nerdy tall guy sitting so close to the front? Doesn’t he know there are shorter people in back who can’t see over him?

School Time

Continuing with the college theme of the evening – what’s a group of three girls and a guy to do after a rocking pool party and then an evening class? Get PIZZA. That motion passed unanimously.

Pizza Time

The grown up pizza had hot peppers, mushrooms, onions and pineapple. The other pizza was a lot less interesting but they were equally consumed.

Piece of Pizza

In true college fashion we’re all up late and will surely be sleeping late tomorrow and skipping class. Good thing I’m the teacher. I rarely hand out tardy slips.

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