Today is going to be the most productive day in the history of productivity. I so declare it.

I need to keep Maxine occupied while I whiz around this house and get stuff done this morning – including mopping the kitchen floor and I need little feet OUT of the kitchen for at least a 15 – 20 minute stretch.

So where were we? Oh yes, the conclusion to my titillating cliff hanger from our shoe (mis)adventures from yesterday!

I let her purple crocs stew in that trash can for about a half hour, while I stewed on what I was going to do.

They were only $4 and they are almost too small. But I could hand them down to my girlfriend Sharon who also has two young daughters… they have a lot of life left in them! I hate to be so wasteful. But on the other hand I want Maxine to know that I say what I mean and I mean what I say!

I’ve felt so swamped this week I keep *forgetting* that the half marathon is on Sunday. Last year at this time I was gearing up to run my first full marathon and it was of course all I could think about. I began checking the weather forecast day 10 days out. I laid out my clothes and mixed and matched outfit possibilities in my mind figuring out what would work best. I checked the race website for updates multiple times a day. Re-read emails from the race director again and again, making sure I knew every last detail and didn’t miss a thing.

I got up with Zak this morning when the alarm went off at 5. He headed out to go swimming and I headed down to the kitchen. Feeling hungry already, today would have been a perfect morning for some green lemonade, except for one problem. I’m out a romaine. I’ve got spinach but spinach doesn’t have a lot of water and I’ve come to find that it takes A LOT of spinach to get a decent amount of liquid from it.

What’s that saying? If life hands you lemons, make lemonade? Well then, if life hands you spinach, make a green smoothie.

Speed work was on the agenda for this morning. I was hungry but didn’t want to eat very much because the likelihood of puking on a run increases exponentially during a speed work session.

Newman's Own Organics Raisins

A small handful of raisins ought to be safe enough. It’s kind of hard see but my little pile of raisins were in my hand underneath the Newman’s Own Organics carton there. It’s almost as if the perfect portion just dropped right out of the bottom like magic. That would be really “handy”, wouldn’t it?

After a long run yesterday, a Sunday Ride was in order for today. The weather man said it was supposed to rain this morning but fortunately he is A LIAR.  I rode 13.5 rain free miles this morning in just under an hour. In YO FACE Weather Mack Daddy!

On my ride I was thinking about how it seems like something has been “missing” lately. I couldn’t put my finger on it exactly, but something is definitely missing. *think*think*think*

And then it dawned on me.

Missed Cleaning the Juicer

Coffee! After my run! Wheeeee!

Coffee Morning

Thanks to a little big cup of coffee I was able to hold out for some granola to bake and add to my breakfast.


Sprinkling granola on top of overnight oats is the stuff dreams are made of.

Chocolate Overnight Oats

Yes, there really are overnight oats buried under Mt. Banana, Almond Butter River and Granola Land Mine.

From the side

As part of my very loose half marathon training plan (i.e., getting in one long run a week between 7 – 10 miles) I had a long run on tap for today.

My running buddy Shawn said he was up for going long today so he came out to run with me. Waiting for him to arrive, I enjoyed a plum snowman.

Plum Snowman

Watch them disappear.

two plums one plum no plums

Like magic! I think there was about a 15 second lapse between each of those photos. I’m a plum eating machine!

You are in luck. Today you’ve got front row seats to an epic battle.

Vegetables vs. The Juicer. Place your bets.

Ready to Rumble

In this corner we’ve got raw fruits and vegetables. Teeming with live enzymes, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. A tough crowd to take down, their approach will most likely be a herd attack.


And this corner:

The Supreme Juicerator

The Supreme Juicerator.

He may be old. He may have been a hand-me-down. But he’s a beast and has yet to meet his match.

(My money’s on The Juice.)

Muggy but at least cool, I headed out this morning to run a comfortable 6.24 miles in 50 minutes. My legs felt pretty tired toward the end but nothing a little green juice couldn’t fix.

The star of today’s green sludge:

A beat up pear.


Thank you Heather for this fab idea!

Today’s concoction consisted a HUGE head of romain, cucumber, pear, lemon and ginger. Go ahead and call me a lettuce vampire, I love drinking the blood of plants!
