Call us crazy, but we don’t have cable television. When we moved into our house four years ago we decided we would just use old fashioned rabbit ears and skip cable to save some money. Let me be clear that this was not my idea, but I went with it.

Turns out it was one of the best things we ever did. We watch way less TV because of it, and the girls watch movies from the library or shows on PBS. I like that they aren’t subjected to the advertising on TV. With the new converter boxes the digital signal comes in crystal clear and we have a few more channels to boot.

Meeting called to order: 9:30 AM

All present: Yours truly.

New Business:

After my fruit buzz wore off this morning, I tried something new with oatmeal for Breakfast Part III.

Or I guess it really started last night.

I found oat groats at a local health food store and decided I’d try to make some oatmeal concoction with them.

I soaked oat groats, sliced almonds and a couple of chopped dates overnight in almond milk.

This is what it looked like this morning. Inedible, swollen oat groats (sounds like you need to see a doctor ma’am).

As the Fitnessista’s Breakfast Cookie took blog world by storm, I was skeptical. I love oatmeal for breakfast… whether it’s cooked on the stove or soaked over night in milk and yogurt, oats are pure breakfast bliss.

I’d read my share of posts where people raved about the breakfast cookie. I was turned off because everyone was putting protein powder in theirs and protein powder ain’t my thing. I thought protein powder was a key ingredient in getting it work so I never tried it.

Fortunately, I saw Meghann’s version sans protein powder, and suddenly the clouds began to part, angels started to sing and I saw the light.