Author Archives: Alison

A Short Story

August 26th, 2009 | Posted by Alison in Morning Craziness - (24 Comments)

I woke this morning just as the sky was beginning to fade from the darkness of night to the shade of gray that precedes dawn. As the haze of unconscious lifted, I realized Zak was still lying in bed next to me. I nudged him gently with my elbow to ask him if he was planning to swim this morning at the lake or not. The color of the sky had led me to believe he’d overslept and wasn’t going to make it in time to join the other lake swimmers.

Souper Supper

August 25th, 2009 | Posted by Alison in Dinner Time - (24 Comments)

This morning I had a meeting at Ava’s homeschooled school. That’s right, my homeschooled kid will be going to school. Just once a week for 3 hours with a bunch of other homeschoolers, but still – we call it school.

Aunt Ellen stayed with the girls while I went to the meeting. I snacked on an apple on the drive there.

apple jocalot

And ate a Larabar mid meeting.

Home and more than ready to eat, I went with fast. Just your run of the mill everything-but-the-kitchen-sink gigantic tossed salad.

Big Salad salad

Just Beet It

August 25th, 2009 | Posted by Alison in Breakfast - (22 Comments)

Long run this morning – long for a week day anyway. I wanted to run 7 miles at my (hopeful) half marathon pace (less than three weeks baby!) Which meant anything less than 8:30/mile would make me happy.

I was easily able to maintain a 8:00/pace for the whole run, which I think was due in part to not having run for the last two days. 7 miles in 56:31 made me want jump up and down and say “Let’s have BEETS for breakfast this morning!”

So beets it was.

We Put the AZ in CrAZy

August 24th, 2009 | Posted by Alison in Late Night Craziness - (24 Comments)

If you pay close attention, you can pretty much figure out exactly when I figured out the title to any given post. Sometimes it’s at the beginning. Sometimes it’s at the end. Sometimes I pull random crap out of the air and slap it into the title. Nonetheless, you should at least be able to determine WHEN I pulled crap out of the air.

Anyway. I’m not so sure about this “vegetable” thing. I mean how good can they be for you? Really now.

Monday Lunch

Stay at Home Yoga

August 24th, 2009 | Posted by Alison in Breakfast - (15 Comments)

Yoga was on the agenda for this morning, but what was NOT on the agenda was Thing 2 waking up early with me.

Under normal, children-still-sleeping circumstances, I would listen my yogadownload podcast from the computer speakers, but that wasn’t going to work today. Instead of making yogadownload and Blue’s Clue’s battle it out, I’d fired up the iPod and used my arm band for yoga like I do for running!

You really can take yoga anywhere

I totally should have taken a picture of me patting myself on the back.

With Steve and Blue babysitting Maxine, I got my downward dog on.

Sunday Rides

August 23rd, 2009 | Posted by Alison in Breakfast - (11 Comments)

After a long run yesterday, a Sunday Ride was in order for today. The weather man said it was supposed to rain this morning but fortunately he is A LIAR.  I rode 13.5 rain free miles this morning in just under an hour. In YO FACE Weather Mack Daddy!

On my ride I was thinking about how it seems like something has been “missing” lately. I couldn’t put my finger on it exactly, but something is definitely missing. *think*think*think*

And then it dawned on me.

Missed Cleaning the Juicer

Don’t Rock the Boat

August 22nd, 2009 | Posted by Alison in Dinner Time - (18 Comments)

After breakfast this morning we set out to run a couple of errands and stopped at Zak’s mom’s house before heading home. We were there under the guise of “visiting” but really it was all about torturing chickens.


Do you see Ms. Maxine in there?

Visit Chickens

Maxine, the girl who doesn’t like to get dirty.

Not Shy

Ava, in her own words, setting “chicken traps”.

Chicken Traps

Chicken Traps = a sea of corn so they’ll be so busy eating they won’t see Maxine coming. Yes, Maxine, the same girl who won’t throw a rock with sand on it.

Sweaty Oats

August 22nd, 2009 | Posted by Alison in Breakfast - (13 Comments)

I enjoyed a pre-run peach waiting for my bud Shawn to show up to run long this morning. I had my mind on 10 miles but was up for going with the flow and running less if necessary.

Pre-Run Peach

We set out to do a 6 mile loop and as soon as we started I was feeling pretty tired. We took it easy and maintained 9 minute or so pace and I started settling in and feeling better after we had a couple miles behind us.

Let’s Switch

August 21st, 2009 | Posted by Alison in Party Time - (18 Comments)

The girls were with Aunt Ellen today and my mom happened to have the day off from work. We decided to take the opportunity to have a little mother-daughter day together. We headed out to eat at a small, local restaurant called Aladdins Natural Eatery in downtown Rochester. Their menu touts fine, fresh ingredients to make delicious, healthy meals. Well what do you know, I’m all a-tout that myself.

Aladdin's Natural Eatery, Rochester NY

Aladdin's Menu

We decided to split the babaganoush for an appetizer.

Baba Menu

Fun from the Shower

August 21st, 2009 | Posted by Alison in Morning Craziness - (10 Comments)

This morning I fired up a yogadownload podcast and did 45 minutes of Yoga for Runners. Holy boats and standing splits this is a challenging class! But it’s all good. I will be visiting this class again for sure.

I know I’ve had too much to eat the night before when I’m barely noticing hunger after 9 o’clock the following morning. Or maybe those corn cakes just have some incredible staying power!

I cut up a pear to nosh on before hopping in the shower – I’ve got a lunch date today!

Pear for Breakfast