Blogger Mad Libs

June 5th, 2009 | Posted by Alison in Late Night Craziness - (6 Comments)

______! (Curse Word)


This picture does NOT do my rear tire justice but it is as flat as _________ (singular noun).

Thank God ______ (man’s name) worked from home today. I called him on my cell phone and had him come _____ (verb) me up.

I walked/_______ (verb) holding my bike in one ________ (body part) and _____ (number) minutes later ______ (man’s name) arrived.

He brought me a pair of _______ (article of clothing) and said we were going shopping to the _______ (noun) center.

Our loot.


Break Fast

June 5th, 2009 | Posted by Alison in Weight Loss - (9 Comments)

I think I’ve uncovered the Fountain of Youth, and it doesn’t come in a bottle and isn’t going to cost us three easy payments of $19.99.

Fountain of Youth

Nope, it’s called Human Growth Hormone and you can get it for free everday. (Call now!)

OK awesome. So how do I get my hands on this stuff?

No Eating Before Bed

Yes, we’ve heard this before.  But it feels different this time because my new source of inspiration Jillian Michaels actually explained this concept in greater detail, why it’s important and how it makes a difference in her latest book, Master Your Metabolism.  And now I’m all over this idea like lice in a room full of pre-schoolers.