I set the alarm for 5:30 this morning so I could get out early and beat the heat. It was still dark I ended up tinkering around and didn’t get my butt out the door until 7.

I spent what felt like an hour sawing my slightly more ripe peach off it’s pit.

Hacked Peach

A muggy but not-too-hot run this morning for 6.24 miles in 53 minutes – just a nice and easy pace considering the distance and air thickness today.

Back home, Zak asked if I was going to make juice. I think he’s hooked.

Did you know yesterday was Earth Day?  Well, Monday is Earth Day, but we celebrated on Friday.  And I spent Friday thinking it was Earth Day.  Whoops.

Monday, Friday, whatever.  On Friday we got together with one of our homeschooling groups for a fun, low key Earth Day event for families.  Each family was invited to share something with the group – like a science project or even just an idea. We decided to demonstrate how we make one of our favorite healthy snacks – date balls!

I decided on date balls because they are round… like the earth.

I can’t believe I’m writing about weight loss the day after Thanksgiving.  I am still full.

If you’re just tuning in, I’m working on postpartum weight loss and share Project Weight Loss updates on Fridays.

Last week, after hanging out in the upper 130’s for 4 days straight, I woke up on Saturday morning feeling very ready to be done with all of this.  I was plain old tired of trying to lose weight and felt ready for a break.

I have Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups in my freezer.

Reese's Peanut Butter Cups in My Freezer

Blasted Halloween.

These are Maxine’s, and it was her idea to put them in the freezer. I think there is something programmed into women from birth to know that chocolate + peanut butter are best when cold.

I will not eat Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups for breakfast, but I totally could.

Good thing they aren’t mine. And good thing I also have frozen bananas in my freezer.

I Do Have Frozen Bananas

Because frozen bananas + oats + cocoa powder are the start of something magical.

Cocoa Powder

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

-Chinese Proverb

That’s great, but we’re not going to talk about fish today.  We’re going to talk about cookies.

One of the best things that happens when you learn how to cook is learning out how to get along without a recipe.

If you make something a couple of times, soon you begin to understand what ingredients and steps are most important.  Make something a bunch of times and soon you begin to see the variety of ways you might be able change it up.  Make something a couple of dozen times and soon you start see cooking from a whole new perspective.

On my run this morning I realized it was a year ago today that I embarked on my maiden voyage with my neighborhood running group. Although I guess a year ago today was Halloween, and Halloween is of course tomorrow. So I suppose I really should have written a year ago tomorrow, but the group runs on Saturdays, so it feels like a year ago today. And “a year ago today” feels a more nostalgic than “a year ago tomorrow” – so I’m leaving it.

We were almost forced to write a strongly worded email to the Tooth Fairy this morning. Apparently the Tooth Fairy slept like a rock last night and did not wake up in the middle of the night like she expected to. Fortunately, the toothless child in question decided to use the bathroom before she remembered about the visit from the Winged Dental Nymph and our crisis was averted.

We’ve got an outdoor homeschool adventure on tap first this morning which will suffice for a workout today. I spent my usual workout time prepping food and packing lunches.

It feels like a week has gone by in the span of about 48 hours. The last couple of days have been filled the disassembly of our current household to be packed and driven to our the new house about 20 minutes away. It’s felt a lot like putting together a puzzle that’s missing all sorts of pieces, including crucial corner and edge pieces like couches, beds, tables, dressers and bookcases.

We have made countless (ok, maybe 5) trips to the new house in the last two days. Anything non-essential (read: anything that is not mine) is subject to being packed up and shipped off to the new Weeds Family Urban Compound.

Today felt like an overnight oats kind of morning. Except I didn’t make overnight oats last night. Good thing “Overnight Oats” is just a trick of a name and it could more accurately be called “Just a Few Hours Oats”.

Into a bowl at 6 AM: 1/2 a mashed banana, 1/2 c of rolled oats, 1 Tbsp of almond butter, 1 Tbsp ground flax, a tsp of unsweetened cocoa powder and 1/2 c of chocolate almond milk.

Oat Prep Bowl

And a single chocolate chip because I’m rowdy like that.

1 Chocolate Chip

Did you know that if you let your 5 year old play with an alarm clock that you found in a box of hand me down toys, said 5 year old will inadvertently set the alarm to go off at 5:13? And did you know that this certain 5 year old will completely sleep through that alarm when it goes off at 5:13 on a Sunday morning?

Rise and Shine