The Reasons I Had Kids

October 11th, 2009 | Posted by Alison Spath in Life - (20 Comments)

Today the girls spent some time with Zak’s mom Kath while he and I ventured off to a couple of open houses to peruse homes for sale. It’s likely that we’re going to blow our suburban pop stand and move closer to the crunchy granola homeschooling action in the city – closer to Zak’s office too.

When we were reunited this afternoon we took a big family walk through the fields and woods behind Kath’s house. Miss Maxine rode in the Baby Hawk Mai Tei and I almost forgot that she always falls asleep in this carrier. Today was no exception.

A few weeks ago I sent in a picture I took of the girls at zoo this summer to our newspaper for consideration for the “Our Towns” section.


Low and behold it showed up today’s paper! I positively squealed when my dad called this morning to tell me. When I showed Ava she said “I’m in the newspaper! Finally!

Ava and Max in Today's Paper!

It’s been 5 1/2 long years since her birth announcement, I guess she’s been waiting.

So I’ve been inundated with bread lately. I’ve also been staring at an acorn and winter squash on my counter for a couple weeks now.

Banana Nut Balls for Breakfast

September 30th, 2009 | Posted by Alison Spath in Breakfast - (17 Comments)

I took yesterday off from exercise so a run was in order first thing this morning. A quickie 4 miles in about a half hour, home to whip up an Averie inspired breakfast.

I think I need to send Cuisinart a thank you note because I use my food processor almost every day. Or maybe they should send me a thank you note for featuring my food processor on the blog almost everyday. YOU’RE WELCOME CUISINART!

Orgasmic Birth

September 28th, 2009 | Posted by Alison Spath in Good Reads - (32 Comments)

Yes, you read the title of this post right. (Go on – go back to look at the title now because I know you skipped it. I almost always breeze by titles unless the author points it out.)

Orgasmic Birth

That’s right! You can have an orgasm during child birth! Yes, YOU.

Tonight I had a support group meeting for mom’s who have had a cesarean section and are planning VBAC’s (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean) or just need some help with emotional recovery from their cesarean. Yes there’s a support group for everyone. I’m still waiting to find the support group for people who return library books late, except I’m sure no one would get there on time. Or at least I’m sure I would be late.

Who’s the Boss?

September 27th, 2009 | Posted by Alison Spath in Parenting - (17 Comments)

I’ve let Max have a lot more control over all sorts of things this weekend. I’ve found that with half as many kids as usual I have twice as much patience. Funny how that works.

She made her own peanut butter and jelly sandwich today for lunch. That probably goes without saying, at least I hope it does.

Max Makes PB&J

Remember being a kid and wondering how mom always made sandwiches so perfectly?

Fortunately for me I made my own sandwich.

Veggie Sandwich

And BEETS! Dude, beets are good. I don’t know why anyone didn’t clue me in on this sooner.

Kid Magnet

September 27th, 2009 | Posted by Alison Spath in Breakfast - (15 Comments)

Today is going to be the most productive day in the history of productivity. I so declare it.

I need to keep Maxine occupied while I whiz around this house and get stuff done this morning – including mopping the kitchen floor and I need little feet OUT of the kitchen for at least a 15 – 20 minute stretch.

Dessert For Dinner

September 26th, 2009 | Posted by Alison Spath in Parenting - (18 Comments)

Maxine and I have had a sweet little day together. We shopped, she tapped, I smiled, she talked, I listened. I’ve come to realize just how much Ava rules the roost here and poor little Maxagirl often doesn’t get to speak in complete sentences before she’s interrupted by her very intense older sister. It’s easy to see how birth order can play a role in your personality!

We ate lunch before we left to grocery shop to avoid any hungry impulse buys.

Saturday Lunch

So where were we? Oh yes, the conclusion to my titillating cliff hanger from our shoe (mis)adventures from yesterday!

I let her purple crocs stew in that trash can for about a half hour, while I stewed on what I was going to do.

They were only $4 and they are almost too small. But I could hand them down to my girlfriend Sharon who also has two young daughters… they have a lot of life left in them! I hate to be so wasteful. But on the other hand I want Maxine to know that I say what I mean and I mean what I say!

This picture makes my lunch look so lovely. I think it’s the book in the background.

Hummus Sandwich and Gazpacho

A spread of sun dried tomato hummus on gently toasted Ezekiel bread, plump sliced tomatoes, home grown sprouts with a blanket of red leaf lettuce and a dabble of mustard. Chilled gazpacho made with the finest seasonal vegetables hand selected from a local grower.

Oh Woe is Three

September 23rd, 2009 | Posted by Alison Spath in Breakfast - (22 Comments)

I like to consider myself a reasonable parent. We practice gentle disciple and offer loving guidance. We encourage respect and the proper use of manners. I’ll eagerly honor requests when they are asked politely, in a sweet tone and especially when there’s something in it for me.

Maxine woke up in the middle of the night last night politely asking for water. Ava’s unconscious heard this request and she immediately woke up asking for water too. I was groggy but knew that there would be no going back to sleep until pint sized thirsts were quenched. I pulled myself out of bed and pressed my near sighted eyes to the bed side clock to see what time it was before stumbling downstairs to fetch two glasses of water.