New Moon, Old Ways

August 3rd, 2009 | Posted by Alison in Good Reads - (7 Comments)

After my HFCS tirade this morning, I made some green juice that I enjoyed with live entertainment.

Pre-meeting Juice

I continue to be amazed at how satisfying green lemonade is.

I also continued to be amazed at how long a yellow, slippery piece of plastic can keep a child entertained.

I had a meeting to go to for one of the classes Ava attends as a homeschooler this afternoon. I ate a banana on my way but only have an empty shell of a banana to show for it.

banana shell

And my buddy Lara rode shot gun.

Daddy’s Home

July 26th, 2009 | Posted by Alison in Lunch - (6 Comments)

Inspiration for today’s lunch came from a handful of sources.

A few weeks ago, Gena from Choosing Raw posted about using Dulse, a seaweed that is supposed to be reminiscent of bacon. It can be a great way to make a raw/vegetarian BLT. Heather mentioned it in comment yesterday too and it reminded me I had a package of it in my cupboard.


I looked for this at a couple of health food stores to no avail. Since it’s seaweed and therefore a plant, I was expecting to find it in produce. I finally asked and they directed me to the fish food sushi section.