This outdoor pool is one mile from our house.  A house that we’ve lived in for almost four years and we’re just now getting our butts over there to take advantage of it.  It even meets the “Three C’s” (that I just made up) – Close, Clean and Cheap.  Don’t ask me what took us so long, I have no idea.

Outdoor Pool

Exercise Trickery

April 6th, 2011 | Posted by Alison Spath in Motivation - (5 Comments)

I woke up today with plenty of time to exercise before the husband left for work – but I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my bad self on this dark, cold and damp Wednesday morning.

I laid there for a while pondering my options. Head to the gym to run on the treadmill? (Again?) Head to the gym and just walk on the treadmill? (Again??) Run outside in the sunless, frigid air? (Again!!?)

Brought to You by the Letter Y

November 5th, 2010 | Posted by Alison Spath in Breakfast - (3 Comments)

Never does the second to last letter of the alphabet look as good as it does on a cold and rainy Friday morning.

The Letter Y

I find it a tad ironic that I hit the Y to avoid getting cold and wet, only to go inside and get cold and wet.

Full Pool

Actually, the Y is pretty warm which makes swimming much more enjoyable compared old, cold, damp and dreary place I use to swim laps in the old ‘hood.  Today was my first early morning swim session this season and it was easy to jump right in and get moving.

Don’t You Eat that Yellow Snow

December 1st, 2009 | Posted by Alison Spath in Breakfast - (22 Comments)

We take December 1st very seriously ’round these parts.

December 1

When I closed my eyes and laid my head on my pillow last night the grass was green! It was also November, so it must have been the flip of the December switch that did the trick.

I had a date with the pool this morning, and for a moment I entertained thoughts of how fun it would be to run in the snow today instead.

But then I cuffed myself upside the head and reminded my overly ambitious snow running self I’ve got all. winter. to run in the snow. Let’s not rush things.

Reunited and it Feels So Good

November 23rd, 2009 | Posted by Alison Spath in Breakfast - (12 Comments)

Didn’t I just say the other day that swimming is one of my least favorite forms of cardio? It’s cold, it’s wet, it’s tedious, it’s boring. But just like that ex-boyfriend you run into after some time apart, you find yourself wondering what was really so bad about him after all.

This is my way of announcing that Swimming and I have decided to start seeing each other again.

Before hitting the pool early this morning I had a quick pre-swim date with almond butter. So quick in fact that I apparently couldn’t be bothered to even close the refrigerator door.

Zak didn’t exactly get to go home early today due to garlic breath, but he did get home earlier than usual tonight. We loaded the whole family into the car and hit up the pool at the fitness center for some family fun and exercise too.

Swimming is probably my least favorite form of cardio, but I rather enjoyed it tonight. Maybe because I haven’t swam laps since the spring? Whatever the reason, it was a nice change of pace and I swam laps for 30 minutes, alternated 100 yards of freestyle and 100 yards backstroke while Zak entertained children in the shallow end. He got his turn to swim laps while I took cold, wet girlies into the locker room for nice long hot showers on someone else’s dime (forgive me, Mother Earth), blow drying hair and hiding in lockers until dad was done and ready to go.

The Secret Code Is:

September 2nd, 2009 | Posted by Alison in Morning Craziness - (18 Comments)

After my post this morning the girls were ready for breakfast and said they wanted waffles. Ummm, alright. Alright would be code for I just cleaned up the kitchen but sure, why not.

Waffle Day

They love to stir while I read the recipe and measure out ingredients for them to add in. Add in is code for play tug of war with a cup of milk.

We used the waffle recipe straight out of the waffle box. The drops of syrup on that recipe is my proof.

Let’s Pretend

August 8th, 2009 | Posted by Alison in Life - (11 Comments)

After the race this morning we headed out on our next adventure. Open water swimming.

Open Water Swim

Um no, not me. I sat on the blanket and ate lunch. Zak and Shawn swam a mile around some buoys out on this lake, to help Shawn prepare for his triathlon next month. I do the running part, Zak does the swimming part. How handy are we as friends??

Lunch Spread

Ava pretended she was a deep sea diver.

She's Ready

I pretended I haven’t eaten this sandwich 100x already this week while also pretending Maxine wasn’t sitting in my lap lest a grain of sand get in between her toes.