I Get Up Early Because I am Lazy

December 1st, 2010 | Posted by Alison Spath in Parenting - (7 Comments)

I typically get up somewhere in the 6 o’clock hour, without an alarm.  Most people would not call this lazy – but really, that’s exactly what it is.

My kids stay up late you see, and there are different reasons for this fact – some a bit closer to the real truth than others.  It all depends on who’s asking. And while each reason is true, I have one answer for the conservative crowd, one answer for the neutral crowd, and one answer for the other people who have admitted to lazy-parenting short cuts in the past – no judgment.

Last Dance, Last Chance

December 24th, 2009 | Posted by Alison Spath in Breakfast - (13 Comments)

This post is a figment of your imagination. Or is it?

I didn’t expect to have a chance to run or post this morning. But here I am, having unexpectedly run and now unexpectedly posting. How unexpected.

When an opportunity to run this morning presented itself, I jumped at it. Zak worked from home, the kids slept late, so off I went for a healthy dose of endorphins and some fresh air and sunshine. The real reason I went was to wax nostalgic because unless I get to sneak out tomorrow morning (Merry Christmas to me?) this will be my last run through these neighborhood streets as well as my last chance to avoid running into Mr. Miyagi.

Decided For Me

November 13th, 2009 | Posted by Alison Spath in Breakfast - (14 Comments)

My morning activity was decided for me today when I let Maxine cry just a little too long hoping she’d fall back to sleep.  She did fall back to sleep once I laid down with her a few minutes, but Zak did not fall back to sleep – and thus deciding to go into work early, leaving me to find something to do at home on this chilly fall morning.

Time to roll out the yoga mat.

Roll Out Yoga Mat

Zak off to work + quiet house + 45 minutes of Yoga for Runners (my legs are still feeling shaky) + hot shower = time for breakfast.

Over Run Oats

October 24th, 2009 | Posted by Alison Spath in Breakfast - (18 Comments)

Thanks to some warm air and the fact that it’s Saturday and no one is rushing off to work at 8 AM, I got to head out for my run well after the sun was up this morning. Some where around the 9 o’clock hour I hit the pavement and had a glorious 54 minutes and 6.25 miles to all myself. Well, good old Jillian was with me too, but she doesn’t count.

Before I left I put together some pumpkin overnight oats knowing they’d be ready to eat by the time I got back. Given I put them together this morning, I guess I should technically call these Over Run Pumpkin Pie Oats.

Just Beet It

August 25th, 2009 | Posted by Alison in Breakfast - (22 Comments)

Long run this morning – long for a week day anyway. I wanted to run 7 miles at my (hopeful) half marathon pace (less than three weeks baby!) Which meant anything less than 8:30/mile would make me happy.

I was easily able to maintain a 8:00/pace for the whole run, which I think was due in part to not having run for the last two days. 7 miles in 56:31 made me want jump up and down and say “Let’s have BEETS for breakfast this morning!”

So beets it was.