A few weeks ago I sent in a picture I took of the girls at zoo this summer to our newspaper for consideration for the “Our Towns” section.


Low and behold it showed up today’s paper! I positively squealed when my dad called this morning to tell me. When I showed Ava she said “I’m in the newspaper! Finally!

Ava and Max in Today's Paper!

It’s been 5 1/2 long years since her birth announcement, I guess she’s been waiting.

So I’ve been inundated with bread lately. I’ve also been staring at an acorn and winter squash on my counter for a couple weeks now.

Banana Nut Balls for Breakfast

September 30th, 2009 | Posted by Alison Spath in Breakfast - (17 Comments)

I took yesterday off from exercise so a run was in order first thing this morning. A quickie 4 miles in about a half hour, home to whip up an Averie inspired breakfast.

I think I need to send Cuisinart a thank you note because I use my food processor almost every day. Or maybe they should send me a thank you note for featuring my food processor on the blog almost everyday. YOU’RE WELCOME CUISINART!