Don’t Dread the Tread

February 12th, 2011 | Posted by Alison Spath in Fitness - (12 Comments)

If wearing your Vibrams on the treadmill at the gym doesn’t get you any looks, taking a picture of yourself wearing your Vibrams on the treadmill at gym should totally take care of that.

Star Trac

I actually don’t know if anyone gave me the stink eye on this particular day while donning my favorite pink toe shoes.  I do know that I was fully prepared to say “but look at how stinkin’ cute they are!!” if someone called me a freak or a did that thing where you hold your pointer finger near your temple and swirl it around a bit.


November 29th, 2010 | Posted by Alison Spath in Motivation - (9 Comments)

I want to do more trail running.  Hiking too. While we live in the city, there are plenty of places around here to do both – so this is definitely feasible.

I got the trail running itch after that trail race a few weeks ago. But then my finger tip was hacked open blah blah blah and all sorts of routines were thrown off – exercise included. It only follows that any trail running plans were put on hold too.

You Ran Right Into the Sign

November 23rd, 2010 | Posted by Alison Spath in Fitness - (3 Comments)

You know that saying;

What we see depends mainly on what we look for.

Sometimes the answers that we seek are right in front of our very eyes, it’s just a matter of opening them and taking a look.

slow sign

A couple weeks before all this finger felon business went down I’d read an article on Mark’s Daily Apple called The Case Against Cardio.  (If you already love exercise and have no problem making time for a regular run or workout, that article is worth a read.)  It got me thinking that regular, lower intensity work outs can be A-OK.  Maybe even better than ok – maybe slowing down is actually a really good thing.