Good News Bad News

October 18th, 2011 | Posted by Alison Spath in Fitness - (3 Comments)

I ran today.  I made it 3.25 miles without a hint of knee pain.  And the final .9 miles home weren’t much to complain about either.

And this is good news! I have a race on Saturday. It’s a 5K, (3.1 miles) so now I’m sure I’ve got that distance covered.

But there’s bad news too.  You see, it’s a race where runners are chased through the woods by zombies.

(can’t see? click here. another video here.)

Last Minute Marathon Lessons

October 3rd, 2011 | Posted by Alison Spath in Fitness - (4 Comments)

So it’s the first week in October, and that means this is marathon week over here.

October Calendar

I’ve had a couple of training trial and errors through the month of September, and there’s a couple things I’ve learned over these past 4 weeks.  This little ditty is for you long distance runners out there who might find yourself signing up for a marathon at the last minute because you were thinking “hey, that sounds like fun!!”

I See Blue Circles

September 28th, 2011 | Posted by Alison Spath in Breakfast - (2 Comments)

My kids love frozen blueberries.

Frozen Blueberries

Both of them. Even the little one.

They snack on them straight from the freezer and then force me to look at their blue stained lips for about three hours until the color wears off, or until I can’t take it anymore and pin them to the ground for a spit bath with my saliva wetted thumb.

I haven’t bought frozen blueberries for a few months now because of the overabundance of summer fruit we were getting from the CSA share. They asked me to buy frozen blueberries, but I just couldn’t bring myself to buy FROZEN fruit with three pounds of fresh peaches in the fridge.

Long Run Saturday

September 17th, 2011 | Posted by Alison Spath in Fitness - (5 Comments)

OK baby girl, enough with the bike riding birthday breakfast bonanzas – you’ve got a marathon you’re supposed to be training for.

Steamtown Marathon Letter

Oh shoot, you’re right!  Well, it’s Saturday, so I guess that means we’re running long today, eh?

A few weeks ago I made my own version of Brendan Brazier’s Direct Fuel Bites for long runs. This batch was made much like the one I made last year – with dates, coconut oil and cocoa powder. This time I threw in a little dulse (for electrolytes), hemp seeds (for protein), chia seeds (for kicks) and shredded coconut (for fun).

Homeschool Lessons for All

September 13th, 2011 | Posted by Alison Spath in Fitness - (1 Comments)

Now that Maxine can ride her bike, Homeschool Phys Ed class is officially in session.

Riding Buds The Claw Over My Shoulder Ready to Ride

Is this really Phys Ed? Or is this just a morning run in disguise?

Whatever you want to call it, a bunch of lessons were learned on our group outing this morning – lessons for both young and old.

A Lesson for Mom

When Maxine says “Whoa, whoa, whoa!!”, that means she’s about to come to a sudden and complete stop in the middle of the sidewalk.

This lead to the discovery that I run too closely behind Maxine.

This is the second post in a three part series about measuring the various aspects related to weight loss to more effectively achieve weight loss success.

I want to start by saying that when it comes to losing weight, I use to put WAY more emphasis on exercise than I do now.  Being active is certainly an important part a healthy life – but studies suggest (and from what I’ve found in my own experience as well), improving the quality of your food and being mindful about how much you eat can have a much bigger impact on weight loss when compared to exercise alone.  This is why the calorie counting post came first and a post about keeping an exercise log came second.

Let’s Play Matchmaker

August 27th, 2011 | Posted by Alison Spath in Fitness - (1 Comments)

When it comes to what to eat after workout or run, I don’t think much beyond “eat real food” unless that workout has been particularly long and hard.  (I am purposefully ignoring the obvious joke here.  This post just started!)

The neighborhood running group I occasionally run with sent an email yesterday saying they were going 10 miles Saturday morning. I haven’t run much more then 4 or 5 miles at a shot all summer – but I decided to join them for 10 today, and my reasons for doing so were three fold:

Getting Ready for a Race

August 12th, 2011 | Posted by Alison Spath in Fitness - (1 Comments)

I’ve got a 5K road race tomorrow morning, so all of my usual pre-race rules are on my mind. If you’ve got an upcoming race on your calendar – here are a couple of things to think about before you toe the line.

Nothing New on Race Day

Let’s say that again.


Race day is not the day for brand new clothes, brand new shoes, brand new food or brand new crazy ideas. Stick with tried and true gear and grub.  No new theory or hypothesis testing today either.

no new gear

Have Salad – Will Travel

July 27th, 2011 | Posted by Alison Spath in Healthy Habits - (Comments Off on Have Salad – Will Travel)

We just returned from a child-free vacation/mini-adventure.  Our travel itinerary included a wedding, an Ironman, plus two additional carefree days with zero parental responsibilities and a bunch of down time thanks to the generosity and support of some very loving and caring family members.

(did you hear the tires squealing as we tore ass out of the driveway before anyone could change their mind?)

So I’m back!  And here today with a few healthy travel tips before my brood returns and life returns to “normal”.

Pack Your Own Food

Preparing food from home can save you time, money and unknown food options while on the road.

Two Running Hacks

July 10th, 2011 | Posted by Alison Spath in Fitness - (Comments Off on Two Running Hacks)

I usually sketch out exercise plans a couple days in advance, taking the weather forecast and our schedule into account when coming up with a loose idea of what I’ll do in the days ahead.

I knew I was going to “ride Saturday, run Sunday” – but when I woke up this morning, I felt the need for a little *something* to make today’s run more interesting and fun.