Eight Years Later

May 26th, 2009 | Posted by Alison in Dinner Time - (2 Comments)

Completely OUT of vegetables on Sunday I played Supermarket Sweep in the produce section last night and spent about an hour prepping vegetables today. I see… I see… a GIANT salad in my future… yes, yes, a salad for sure.

First my gorgeous watermelon:


watermelon_2 watermelon_3

That should be enough to last a few days, wouldn’t you say? And that wasn’t even all of it, Ava and I each had a serving that I didn’t put away!

Then I attacked the produce drawer.

red_leaf carrots
peppers cucumbers
broccoli strawberries

Brown Monsters

May 23rd, 2009 | Posted by Alison in Short or Sweet - (Comments Off on Brown Monsters)

Green veggie smoothies are sweeping the food blogs. I unintentionally adopted the green smoothie name coined by Angela at Oh She Glows and we call them Green Monsters in our house. The girls only had to hear me say that once and they were all over it. Calling something a monster AND they get fight over who pushes the buttons on the blender?? A match made in heaven. They ask for Purple and Pink Monsters, meaning they want me to leave out the spinach. So close!