We Be Rollin’

December 26th, 2010 | Posted by Alison Spath in Breakfast - (17 Comments)

Let’s say you were in the mood to give your kids something sweet and sticky for breakfast this holiday weekend.  You don’t really care if your family is in on the Celebration of Sugar that everyone partakes in this time of year – but you do care about pesky preservatives and high fructose corn chemicals that come along with all that prepackaged fun.

OK, so how do you let your kids be part of the action without burdening your healthy living conscience?

Well, just make it yourself!  That typically proves to be pretty easy, right?


Lately I’ve been keeping an eye out for grain free, sugar free breakfast ideas.  Thanks to The Primal Blueprint, I’ve been feeling this urge to put a little space between me and my typical breakfast of champi-oats.

Ask and apparently you shall receive!  Didn’t a recipe for a bitter chocolate pumpkin cake land in my virtual lap?  I saw it here first at Heather Eats Almond Butter and then clicky clicked my way over to a Spoonful of Sugar Free for the original recipe for this wonder of sugarless, no grain, breakfast wonders.


November 14th, 2010 | Posted by Alison Spath in Life - (7 Comments)

This spring I had a fellow Stay-At-Home(schooling)-Mom friend propose an idea to me that she called Tribe. Basically, the idea was that we’d pack up our respective broods and head on over to someone’s house one day each week to spend a few hours getting some real work done. Painting, cleaning, cooking, organizing, gardening, yard work – whatever anyone needed to get done, we’d get it done.

Lazy Laundry Sunday

July 12th, 2009 | Posted by Alison in Life - (5 Comments)

Call us crazy, but we don’t have cable television. When we moved into our house four years ago we decided we would just use old fashioned rabbit ears and skip cable to save some money. Let me be clear that this was not my idea, but I went with it.

Turns out it was one of the best things we ever did. We watch way less TV because of it, and the girls watch movies from the library or shows on PBS. I like that they aren’t subjected to the advertising on TV. With the new converter boxes the digital signal comes in crystal clear and we have a few more channels to boot.

Monday Mess

June 15th, 2009 | Posted by Alison in Breakfast - (4 Comments)

Today’s workout can be filed under: ohmygodwhatthehellhappenedtothishouse?!

You know it’s been a busy weekend when the house is a disaster on Monday morning.

I knew a rest day was in order when I wasn’t pumped about my run yesterday. Even though I was glad I ran after I got going, my reluctance was also my sign that it was time for a day off.

I swapped today’s work out time for an hour of getting caught up house work and then another hour catching up on emails and cleaning up my desk. Around 8 I felt hungry enough for breakfast.

If you’re looking to catch fruit flies and don’t want to practice nabbing them with chopsticks, you can use this easy combo of ingredients to rid yourself of a fruit fly invasion.

All you need is a little dish, some apple cider vinegar and dish soap to make your own fruit fly trap.


Pour apple cider into dish and stir in a squirt or two of dish soap. Set dish in an out of the way place somewhere near the fruit flies.


Walk away whistling and pretend that you aren’t watching.  A couple of hours or overnight, those suckers can’t resist.

Memorial Day 2001

May 25th, 2009 | Posted by Alison in Dinner Time - (4 Comments)

Memorial Day, 8 years ago, Zak and I were newly married and on our way to Aruba!

Memorial Day 2009? We cleaned the garage.  8 years.  Sounds about right.

On tonight’s dinner menu: black bean burgers with a side of kale chips.  McDonald’s ain’t got nothing on this version of burger and fries.


I first heard about Kale Chips on Fat Free Vegan, but she didn’t have much luck with them, so it wasn’t until I read Kath’s post about them that I finally tried them. If you’ve yet to discover kale chips, it’s about time you did!