Lately I’ve been keeping an eye out for grain free, sugar free breakfast ideas.  Thanks to The Primal Blueprint, I’ve been feeling this urge to put a little space between me and my typical breakfast of champi-oats.

Ask and apparently you shall receive!  Didn’t a recipe for a bitter chocolate pumpkin cake land in my virtual lap?  I saw it here first at Heather Eats Almond Butter and then clicky clicked my way over to a Spoonful of Sugar Free for the original recipe for this wonder of sugarless, no grain, breakfast wonders.

I love that Phyllis Diller quote:

Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing.

Messy Playroom

I feel like this quote gives me permission to not clean up because, meh – why bother?  The toys just keep raining down anyway! Might as well just shuffle through the piles until the mom toy plow comes through to box it all up to donate, right? Right.

So thanks for that one Phyllis – mega time saver and guilt reliever to boot.

Once upon a time I was that girl who tried and tried to lose weight and never saw any real, lasting results. While I never had a huge amount of weight to lose, I did know I wanted to be slimmer than I was for what felt like the majority of my life.

The post-pregnancy weight was always a little scary but eventually came off after each pregnancy with the addition of some moderate exercise. Then in early 2008 when I found myself back at my post-pregnancy weight and I hadn’t just had a babyI knew it was time to get serious.

Energy Lessons

August 14th, 2010 | Posted by Alison Spath in Fitness - (7 Comments)

Potential Energy

Chocolate Chews

These my friends, are fuel. And a pretty yummy fuel at that.

Inspired by Brendan Brazier’s Direct Fuel Bites, I made my own version with coconut oil, medjool dates and cocoa powder. Coconut oil is where it’s at for potential energy, which is what makes these little suckers so powerful.

Chewy Chocolaty Chewy Chews (catchy, eh?)

10 medjool dates, pitted
1/4 cup coconut oil
2 – 3 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder

Throw all ingredients into the food processor and then stand back to observe it’s Kinetic Energy with awe and wonder.

Pushing Up Pansies

June 29th, 2010 | Posted by Alison Spath in Morning Craziness - (10 Comments)

Well, it’s that time of year. The time when I start hemming and hawing about what I’m going to train for this summer: the half marathon or the full marathon. Last year I considered running the full marathon again but then bailed mid summer. I instead opted for the half with the excuse that I’d never run a half marathon before, conveniently weaseling my way out of a summer of 20 mile long runs.

Foot Notes

June 17th, 2010 | Posted by Alison Spath in Fitness - (11 Comments)

At the end of last year I saw this hippie barefoot runner dude in the November issue of Runner’s World in their “What it Takes…” column.

Runner's World Ken Bob Saxton

What it Takes to Run Barefoot

Breakfast Garlic Breath

November 18th, 2009 | Posted by Alison Spath in Breakfast - (13 Comments)

Big juice, little juice. Carrot juice, garlic juice. Which juice is which juice?

Big Juice, Little Juice

Yes, that’s right. That little glass. That very little glass. That very little glass that is only half full is the one with garlic in it.

Zak – AKA Garlic Romancer, asked me the other day about putting garlic in juice. I told him I’d never seen it in any juice recipes but he was free to browse The Juicing Bible I borrowed from the library and admittedly, have barely cracked up open.

The Juicing Bible

A Day of Calorie Counting

November 4th, 2009 | Posted by Alison Spath in Motivation - (23 Comments)

Today’s day of calorie counting began with a freezing bike ride to the gym. Well, actually it was 33 degrees so I guess it wasn’t exactly freezing. I’m such an exaggerator sometimes.

30 minutes on the treadmill with some speed work intervals (4 two minute sets at 9.3) thrown in to keep things interesting – a total of about 4 miles. I noted today what the calorie total said and it was about 450.

Treadmill dues paid, followed by a Very Cold (but this time welcome!) ride home for my first calories of the day.

Eat, Drink and Pay Late Fees

October 28th, 2009 | Posted by Alison Spath in Dinner Time - (21 Comments)

I shed my yoga pants this evening in honor of the ribbon cutting ceremony being held at the library. (There’s no better reason to shed your pants if you ask me.)

Library After All

A new wing was unveiled at the library today! And it was named after me! Just a little “thank you” from the library to me for all the overdue fines I’ve paid.

I gave a speech after they listed all the new books, equipment and monuments they’ve purchased with my overdue fines. You’re welcome Library – it’s been my pleasure.

Turn It Up

October 9th, 2009 | Posted by Alison Spath in Breakfast - (13 Comments)

A typical Friday morning, a typical Friday morning run. I considered waiting to run until this afternoon since the girls will be off with Aunt Ellen for the day, but the blasted weather man is calling for rain so I went out early to beat feet to beat the rain drops.

Today when I was cruising along to a playlist instead of a podcast or audio book, I remembered something Brendan Brazier talks about in Thrive.