New Moon, Old Ways

August 3rd, 2009 | Posted by Alison in Good Reads - (7 Comments)

After my HFCS tirade this morning, I made some green juice that I enjoyed with live entertainment.

Pre-meeting Juice

I continue to be amazed at how satisfying green lemonade is.

I also continued to be amazed at how long a yellow, slippery piece of plastic can keep a child entertained.

I had a meeting to go to for one of the classes Ava attends as a homeschooler this afternoon. I ate a banana on my way but only have an empty shell of a banana to show for it.

banana shell

And my buddy Lara rode shot gun.

Daddy’s Home

July 26th, 2009 | Posted by Alison in Lunch - (6 Comments)

Inspiration for today’s lunch came from a handful of sources.

A few weeks ago, Gena from Choosing Raw posted about using Dulse, a seaweed that is supposed to be reminiscent of bacon. It can be a great way to make a raw/vegetarian BLT. Heather mentioned it in comment yesterday too and it reminded me I had a package of it in my cupboard.


I looked for this at a couple of health food stores to no avail. Since it’s seaweed and therefore a plant, I was expecting to find it in produce. I finally asked and they directed me to the fish food sushi section.

More Experiments

July 15th, 2009 | Posted by Alison in Dinner Time - (7 Comments)

I didn’t really intend for today to be a day full of experiments, but who doesn’t want to want to be a their own lab rat? I mean really.

We met our friends at the park and had a neat activity planned that all the kids loved, including mine.


Clear as mud, no?

We had a to walk around the playground and find the shapes drawn in the upper left corner of each box. Then the bottom two boxes were for any other shapes we found.

Cigarette butt? Ummm, I think that’s a tube? Yeah, draw a tube.

Pea Soup

July 1st, 2009 | Posted by Alison in Life - (10 Comments)

Party in the park!


We had fun at the park today with rulers and colored pencils learning about vertical lines, horizontal lines, diagonal lines, and the different kind of shapes we can make with these lines. Good stuff.

Maxine wants to hear that last bit on “vertical lines” one more time though.


We worked on our balance and poise a bit too.


Running short on time, I threw everything portable I had into a bag before we ran out the door. We had a small lunch at the park, lets call this Lunch Part I.

Saturday Success

June 6th, 2009 | Posted by Alison in Breakfast - (2 Comments)

Who wants French Toast?

One egg, a (large) splash of vanilla soy milk, a bit of vanilla extract and some cinnamon, scrambled together.


Two slices of whole wheat bread, soak each piece in egg mixture for about a minute, or until bread is good and saturated.

Soakin’soakin sizzlinSizzlin’

Breakto Perfecto


Breakfast is not complete without almond butter! A couple of tablespoons of pure maple syrup for dippin’ and sliced bananas piled high!