Project Weight Loss: Week 4

October 19th, 2012 | Posted by Alison Spath in Weight Loss - (12 Comments)

Today’s the end of Week 4 of my little Project Weight Loss here, and not much has changed from last week to this week.

Last week I weighed in at 143.8, today I weighed in at 143.6

Even if it’s not a lot of progress, it’s still progress.  I’ll take what I can get!  Today I’m celebrating the small victories.

1. the scale did not go up
2. I’ve put away the maternity jeans, I can once again fit into a couple of pairs of old jeans with a button and zipper!
2a. I didn’t have to lay down on the bed and hold my breath in order to zip them up

Project Weight Loss: Week 3

October 12th, 2012 | Posted by Alison Spath in Weight Loss - (20 Comments)

Project Weight Loss rolls on!  Today marks the end of Week 3.

If you recall, last week I hooted and hollered when I saw I was down to 144.8 from 146.0 the week before.

This week instead of shouting “Hooray!” I said “Really?!” because when the scale said 143.8 this morning, I had a hard time believing it.

All week I hung out at 145 and even saw 146 flashing back at me one day despite staying within my weight loss calorie allowance just about every day of the week. I was especially bummed to see 146 and threw myself a Poor Me Pity Party while I stood on the scale, wondering why am I doing any of this?

Project Weight Loss: Week 2

October 5th, 2012 | Posted by Alison Spath in Weight Loss - (18 Comments)

Well, it’s the end of Week 2 of my little Project Weight Loss here.  Last week at the end of Week 1 I weighed in at 146.0.



(Did you hear me shouting HOORAY at 6:30 AM, EDT today!?)

I was VERY happy to see 144 on the scale this morning, especially considering I haven’t seen those numbers in that order since I was three months pregnant. I didn’t even care that it had a “.8” behind it. In fact, I wouldn’t have cared if it said 144.99999!

Project Weight Loss: Week 1

September 28th, 2012 | Posted by Alison Spath in Weight Loss - (8 Comments)

One week ago today was my “It’s Time to Get Serious About Weight Loss” start date.

My Body Weight Time Line from 2011 and 2012

In the early summer of 2011, I weighed 133 on my home scale and was very content with that.

October of 2011 I found out I was pregnant. I had not stepped on the scale in since August of 2011 so I don’t know exactly what my pre-pregnancy weight was. I’m sure I weighed more than 133 by the end of the summer when I was training for the Steamtown Marathon simply because I felt hungrier than usual due to all the miles I was running and was therefore eating more than usual. I know I gained some weight during this time.

I have decided that it’s time to get serious about my postpartum weight loss. I’m going to blog about it because I love to write about losing weight and I love to see people get excited about losing weight too. I once heard someone say, “you talk about what you think about”, and weight loss is what I’m thinking about right now. My hope is that what works for me might give those of you looking to lose weight some ideas about what might (or might not!) work for you too.

Eat Soup. Do It. Do It Now.

September 20th, 2012 | Posted by Alison Spath in Weight Loss - (5 Comments)

This video is the reason I made soup today.

I loved this little weight loss clip from Lifehacker, especially the bit about soup leaving you feeling fuller longer, which can aid in your weight loss efforts if that’s something you’re after.

Given that my pre-pregnancy weight still eludes me, I found this idea intriguing. I have since come to the conclusion that we simply do not eat enough soup around here! With soup on the brain, I got started with this butternut beauty.

Butternut Squash

A butternut squash and three of my best friends; coconut oil, onion and garlic.

This is the third post in a three part series about measuring the various aspects related to weight loss to more effectively achieve weight loss success.

This series began with the line “what gets measured gets managed“.

Part 1 was about counting calories.

Part 2 was about keeping track of your work out stats.

Part 3 is going to be about measuring your weight in order to manage it.

I am of the personal opinion that if you want to get serious about losing weight, calorie counting is the best approach for real results.

This is the second post in a three part series about measuring the various aspects related to weight loss to more effectively achieve weight loss success.

I want to start by saying that when it comes to losing weight, I use to put WAY more emphasis on exercise than I do now.  Being active is certainly an important part a healthy life – but studies suggest (and from what I’ve found in my own experience as well), improving the quality of your food and being mindful about how much you eat can have a much bigger impact on weight loss when compared to exercise alone.  This is why the calorie counting post came first and a post about keeping an exercise log came second.

This is the first post in a three part series about measuring the various aspects related to weight loss to improve your chances of weight loss success.

I’m starting with food journaling because in my experience, it was the changes in my diet that had the most significant impact on my weight loss when compared to exercise alone.  Whether or not you count calories – true weight loss comes down to consuming fewer calories than you burn.

“what gets measured gets managed.”

That’s a quote from a guy named Peter Drucker.  It’s most typically applied in the world of business and marketing, but it can easily be applied to any aspect of your life that you would like to improve.

For our purposes today, let’s apply it to weight loss.

In short, the things you keep close track of are what get your attention and effort.  When you monitor and track and act with intention, you are much more likely to get the results you’re after.