Practice Staying Present

January 13th, 2013 | Posted by Alison Spath in Life - (1 Comments)

Two summers ago I was out for a morning run and passed a man running with a young boy who was probably 9 or 10 years old.  I guessed they were father and son, and that was probably a good guess because the boy looked like a miniature version of the man.  I was impressed to see a kid running a nice pace along side an adult, smiling and easily holding a conversation.  I felt a little twinge of something at that moment – a twinge of hope that my kids might take an interest in running with me one day too.

First, I must tell you that I did not go to school for graphic design.

How to Dress for Winter Running

Or fashion design.

Next I will tell you that this post comes just in time for it to be 60 degrees here this weekend and there’s a good chance I’ll be running in shorts and a t-shirt that says “Climate Change Scares the Pants off of Me.”

Lunch Lately

January 10th, 2013 | Posted by Alison Spath in Lunch - (8 Comments)

Today I’m here with a couple of my recent lunch time regulars.

Some days I eat lunch all by myself. When the big kids are at an afternoon class and the baby is napping, I get to eat late lunch in peace and quiet with just myself and maybe a literary friend too. I’m re-reading (/ skimming) The Primal Blueprint – I’m finding it more relevant now that I’m eating meat again.

Turkey Burger Lunch

A turkey burger with provolone on top of greens, shredded carrot and celery tossed in olive oil and balsamic. I am now one of those people who eats their burger without a bun. Some of the time, anyway.

New Groceries

January 8th, 2013 | Posted by Alison Spath in Healthy Habits - (12 Comments)

I rarely buy books. I much prefer to spend my money on late fees at the library. I did buy Deep Nutrition because it’s not in our library system and b.) I need more than 3 weeks to get through most books these days. (I can read Goodnight Moon in about 3 minutes flat though. Just saying.)

When I bought Deep Nutrition, I also bought The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth because hello, free supersaver shipping! And b.) I get this dorky smile on my face whenever I read the myriad of awesome things that good foods can do for our bodies.

I have this habit of leaving the cupboard doors open in my kitchen. I don’t know why I do this, I didn’t even notice until a friend pointed it out. I didn’t really care about open cupboard doors until last week, when I kept catching these chocolate Santas glaring at me each time I walked by them.

Chocolate Santas

Stupid santas! Here I am merrily minding my own business, when suddenly I catch a glowering santa in my peripheral vision and BAM! Now I’m thinking “ooooh! chocolate!”, when moments earlier, chocolate had been the furthest thing from my mind. Probably about as far away as the thought of closing all my cupboard doors.