Yes Mom

August 7th, 2011 | Posted by Alison Spath in Parenting

Ava and Zak have been off on a Daddy/Daughter Adventure this weekend, giving me and the little one an opportunity for a Mom and Max Staycation of our own.

Together Maxine and I made a plan to do all the fun things she likes to do. How often do you have to say “no” to your kids and their stream of demands from that well that never seems to run dry?  It was nice to be able to say “yes” a bit more than usual for a couple days here.

On her list?  Going out to eat for pizza, ice cream on the way home, a movie rental, sleeping in mom and dad’s bed, bagels for breakfast, M&M’s for a snack, a little swimming with a contractual agreement for yours truly to turn underwater somersaults on command.

Good thing I’m a sucker for the occasional indulgence, Barbie DVD’s from Redbox and a cheap chuckle.  Good thing I don’t own a two piece because it might have been more than just Maxine doing the pointing and laughing after fulfilling that last part of my agreement.

I’ll admit though that I was not feeling super pumped about the “Bagels for Breakfast” agenda item this morning after all that carb and sugar fun yesterday.  I really didn’t want a bagel today, but I didn’t want to say “no” to her either – a promise is a promise after all.

Or maybe a compromise can be a compromise?

How ’bout an hour in child watch for you and an hour long yoga class for me?  Then a bagel at a coffee shop for you with bootleg bottle of green goodness for me?

Green Lemonade Smuggler


My typical green juice concoction was made at home before leaving, sneakily consumed in the corner of said coffee shop after yoga.

(how zen of me.)

I was fully prepared to say “what? I found this here!” or perhaps “what? you just sold this to me!  don’t you remember?” if anyone gave me the stink eye.

Alas, no one looked twice at me and my lettuce squeezings.  I’m pleased to report that no coffee shop employees were harmed during the making of this blog post.

Don’t be afraid to smuggle in your own food as needed.  Sometimes it’s not worth the effort, other times it’s no a big deal to come packing a little green heat.  Sometimes I think that’s what kale, old almond butter jars and oversized bags were invented for!  Other times it’s just more important to say “yes”.

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2 Responses

  • Cindy says:

    I am taking a JJ stay cation next week myself.

    He is DONE with my full time schedule and so am I.

    9 glorious days to sit with bubba and okay, the other boys too.


    have fun and can I have a sip?????

  • rawkinmom says:

    lololol….I would have been scared to be approached by an employee too and I would have had a whole story to go with it… is usually teens who don’t care anyways though!!! They are too busy being social!!!