Your Fridge Looks Good Naked

July 14th, 2011 | Posted by Alison Spath in Healthy Habits

A clean refrigerator feels really good.

A Clean Fridge

Like a sneeze, only better.

I just cleaned out my fridge (and I just sneezed). It wasn’t even that bad (the fridge), but I can’t deny that it looks and feels pretty amazing now that I’m done. Putting away groceries was an extremely pleasurable, mind blowing, out-of-body experience.

(ok, I admit it.  I’m trying to make this post climactic.)

One of the ways to make healthy eating more sustainable is to figure out how to prepare these foods for yourself at home. More importantly, how to make healthy food taste good!  It’s totally possible, and it gets easier with time – but it does require some practice.  If eating better is one of your goals – whether it’s to lose weight or to simply feel good and have more energy – you need think about the space where you prepare and store your food.

It’s a lot nicer to practice cooking in a clean, organized, uncluttered kitchen; especially if you’ve cleaned up your kitchen with the intention to get better at preparing healthy meals.  A change in eating habits doesn’t magically happen by itself, your participation is required. Set yourself up for success!

Either way, a clean fridge is always welcome. It was good for me, it’ll be good for you.  Like “wash your hair with Herbal Essences” good.

You know you want to.

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