Operational Beautiful the Book – A Giveaway

August 9th, 2010 | Posted by Alison Spath in Good Reads

A little over a year ago Caitlin from Healthy Tipping Point spawned a little side project blog she called Operation Beautiful. It all started with a post-it note that she left on a bathroom mirror – a note that said “You Are Beautiful” after having a not-so-great day feeling pretty crummy about herself.

She blogged about it and suddenly women all around the world started doing the same thing. Many of these women started sending Caitlin pictures of their post-it notes in places like the gym, the grocery store, the library – any place a woman (or man!) might see it and be reminded that they are awesome.

A short while later Caitlin was offered the opportunity to turn her inspirational idea into book! And just last week, Caitlin’s book appeared on store shelves across the country.

Having fallen out of the healthy living blog world for a while there, I’d sort of forgotten about Operation Beautiful – not to mention the book. The message is of course very sweet but very important as well. We need to stop picking ourselves apart and remember that despite any flaws you may have (and we all do!) – you are still an amazing, incredible, beautiful person, flaws and all.

You are not what you own. You are not what you wear. You are not a wide waist or short legs or the couple of stray gray hairs you can no longer hide by plucking them out of the top of your head.

So after watching Caitlin on the Today show last week

and following along with book release happenings through cyberspace, I added “Buy Operational Beautiful” to my to-do list. It just so happens that one of my post-it notes is featured in the book! Squeal! I mean, this could be the closest I ever get to writing my own book – damn straight I’m gonna go buy a copy!

But then something crazy happened. After getting reacquainted with Operation Beautiful at the end of last week, I suddenly started to catch myself having all these negative thoughts about myself! At any given time on any given day – in the shower, on a bike ride, a run, looking in the mirror, driving in the car… those stinkin’ negative thoughts would creep in without even realizing it! Holy crap I do this too! And that’s when it hit me – maybe I should actually read this book.

So off I went to Border’s this weekend to fetch myself a new book – armed with post-it notes and a sharpie, of course.

Prove a Point

And just to prove a point, I’ll have you know I’m not exactly fond of this picture of myself. I wasn’t even going to post it until I realized that I’m an idiot. Unwashed hair! (The hair wrap is a dead giveaway.) Unflattering lighting! Why is the post-it over my mouth like that? Why did I even take this picture?

Geez woman, how about you completely miss the point here.


Four copies on the shelf,

On the Shelf

I pulled one out and left a note on it. (That’s right, a breastfeeding post-it – killing two birds with one stone here.)

Operation Beautiful Note

(And this would be where a store person stopped to asked me if I need any help. Nooooo, I’m fine! Just wheelin’ a permanent marker around here near all these brand new books on your shelves… why do you ask?)

I put the post-it loaded book back on the shelf and then snagged my own post-it-less copy, thinking about the fact that I am just as guilty as so many other women in this world with the negative self talk and thoughts. Dammit!

And then I thought you know what, someone else probably needs to read this too.

Operation Beautiful the Book

Someone like you.

So I snagged one more, and yup I’m giving it away! All you have to do for a chance at winning a copy of Operational Beautiful: Transforming the Way You See Yourself One Post-It Note at a Time is to leave a comment on this post telling me that you could use a good kick in the pants to be reminded to knock off the negative self talk too. I’ll choose a winner by random by the end of the week.

Now leave a comment and then go think something nice about yourself, would ya?

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28 Responses

  • Libby says:

    Hi Alison,

    I don’t need to win a copy as I just ordered my own but I just wanted to say I think it’s awesome that you are giving one away. Hope it helps you stop the negative talk. It seems to be something all us women do :-(.


  • Lizzy says:

    HIIII Alison! Miss you mama! I actually could really use a copy of this book right about now. You of all people know my past with my weight going up and down and what not. There are some days where i look at myself in the mirror and think good things, and there are other days where i just get bombarded with the negative talk about myself. ever since i’ve gained some weight (which i’m still trying to get used to) i’ve had the good and bad days, and let me tell you the bad days aren’t good. But, i know that those won’t last, and some time soon i’m going to feel the good ALL the time. I know by reading this book that it’ll give me the kick in the but that i need to finally love me for me and stop comparing myself to other people. You’ve always inspired me Alison, and i’m glad you got a copy of this book too to realize you are one absolutely BEAUTIFUL woman!!!!! xoxox

  • Daniel says:

    I really don’t like leaving comments when it tinvolves a giveaway because I feel like I’m just barfing words into the box for a chance to get something. This time it’s a bit different. I wrote a post recently for the “Change the Way You See Not the Way You Look” week and it really got me into thinking about some of the negative self-talk I have toward myself and why I do it. The post not only gave me a chance to share a male’s perspective on the situation, but it connected me to other bloggers who wrote posts and in the process I learned a lot about myself.

    I hope you really enjoy reading that book, I think the whole world would benefit from it. :)

  • Hi Alison, I don’t need a copy of the book, I just wanted to tell you that I think what you’re doing is wonderful….giving away a copy you’ve purchased. You are a beautiful, thoughtful person:) Cheers to you!

  • Sharon says:

    Don’t NEED a copy of this book since i know i’m beautiful, healthy weight, great height, fun to be with and so on, however i would LIKE a copy to keep these thoughts a rollen.

  • Ashley says:

    I’d love to have a copy of that book! My negative self talk is better than it once was, but it is still something I find myself doing on a daily basis :-(.

  • Amy says:

    I would like a copy! As far as negative self talk, I’m better than I was, but I still have my bad days. I haven’t been able to get rid of my scale yet, and the batteries still work. I can resist weighing myself most of the time, but the days I get on it (why do I do that?) the negative vibes are flowing.

  • Pat says:

    I don’t want to win the book. Just wanted to share that I was bragging you up to a friend of mine, and this book, and went to my little work computer (AKA ball and chain) and found a post-it note: “YOU ARE SMART, FUN, AND AMAZING”.

  • Mollie says:

    I’d love a copy, Ali :) I do my best to keep it sunny, but those negative thoughts do creep in often – and today was one of those rain-cloud-y days.

  • Oh yeah, this is for me. I’ve done quite a bit of negative talk latey about not being enough – enough of a mother, spouse, professional, runner. I am WAY harder on myself than anyone would ever be on me. Sometimes we need to be reminded we are okay just as we are, regardless if we show up perfectly or not. Which I never do anyway. So yeah. Could use a kick in the pants over here.

  • Carbzilla says:

    I still compare myself to others and am not liking myself in photos these days. I think I might actually have to work on my pose because I *should* be looking fine. Hand on hip, bigger smile, twinkle in the eye. I’m pretty sure that would do it because I know, in my heart, I look healthy.

  • Rebekka says:

    I would love a copy, I find myself constantly trying to “measure up” to this “perfect” image of how I’m “supposed” to be – and of course always failing at this. It is something I am working on, and I really think this book could be beneficial in that process.

  • lauren L. says:

    Id love a copy..ive overcome so much negative thinking in the past few years in recovery from an ed and this book would be great as a reinforcment of a new way of thinking for me..a more positive way :)

  • Amy says:

    I’ve missed your blog! I used to read it, then you took a well derserved break, and this weekend I happened to click on you. I’m glad you’re back. :)
    I’ve been gaining confidence since joining a women’s trail running group, but I could always use a boost and a reminder to not bad mouth myself.
    My current blog is my race report from a Mongolian marathon if you feel like checking it out. :)

  • rachael says:

    Glad one of your post-it notes is in the book! Love that you wrote the note on a breastfeeding post-it note. Nothing like a reminder of how amazing your body is to defeat negative thoughts about yourself!

  • Amanda says:

    I could really use a copy of this book right now. Negaitive self talk seems to be a recurring theme lately :(

  • Nicole says:

    I’d love a copy of the book, but I’m in Canada, so I’m going to guess that I’m out.
    I’ve been struggling with an illness that gives me pain and keeps me from being as active as usual for the last 2 years. Lately, I’ve really been struggling to keep up a positive body image as I see all the fitness goals I set before I got sick fall by the wayside.

  • Katheryn says:

    I would love to win a copy of this book. I have cured myself of speaking negative comments about myself (having children cured me of that!), but I definitely still have loads of negative thoughts that I struggle with on a daily basis.

  • Shari B. says:

    Heck yeah, sign me up for the drawing!

    Somehow over the course of this past 9 months, I’ve seemed to have fallen back in the rut of the negative self-talk, nitpicking at body flaws and not loving myself like I should. Which in turn means that I nitpick those around me when I am unhappy with myself (especially my poor hubby, who is the sweetest person you could ever meet and deserves nothing but happiness around him!)

    I’m so excited for Caitlin – I watched her Today Show segment twice. SO COOL to see where her blog has taken her and the awesome message she is spreading!

  • Stacie says:

    Sure, would love to read this book! If I don’t win, I’ll probably buy it :)

  • Rebecca says:

    I don’t need a copy of the book because I ran out and bought it (I couldn’t wait for all of the giveaways). I just wanted to tell you that I was so excited to see your note in the book. I took a friend with me when I went to buy the book. As I was explaining the concept to her, I flipped the book open to give her an example and happened to flip to your page. We are both from the Rochester area so we were happy to see a note from someone in Rochester. After staring at it for a second, I realized it was from you. Anyway, I just wanted to share my story and let you know that I think it’s great that you’re giving away a copy of the book.

  • Cindy says:

    your post it made the book????

    how stinking cool is that Mama?

    your self pics are the best I’ve ever seen. you keep being beautiful ole you! and sign me up..I keep meaning to go get a copy but they don’t let me out very often here!

    I have to go watch the video now. I love how a blog and an idea can really turn into something amazing!

    so love being a part of it all!

  • I would love to win a copy of this book…my local bookstore didn’t stock it :( I have had issues with self esteem for years, but I’m working on it :)

  • Niki Frew says:

    I’d love this book. Be just what I need right now! Been having a rough couple months with the weight battle and need to work on learning to love myself just the way I am!!

  • liz says:

    Hi Alison,

    I’d be very appreciative of this book right now. It’s been a rough year. I’ve lost my job twice for reasons I couldn’t control and generally been ill. I’m trying to recover myself, but it’s a hard road. Maybe I’ll put some post-its up around.

  • Emily says:

    I have definitely been plotting a way to get my hands on this book. You know, maybe using one of the Barnes & Noble gift cards my graduation party earned me. Speaking of graduation.. eminent college freshman orientation + being a teenage (almost adult) girl leaves me with occasion self isteem issues. Whaddup perfect timing for a book like this.

    …hmm, maybe I should start using the 3,000 post it notes I’ve bought for college for something more uplifting…

  • z says:

    Who won this book?