Decided For Me

November 13th, 2009 | Posted by Alison Spath in Breakfast

My morning activity was decided for me today when I let Maxine cry just a little too long hoping she’d fall back to sleep.  She did fall back to sleep once I laid down with her a few minutes, but Zak did not fall back to sleep – and thus deciding to go into work early, leaving me to find something to do at home on this chilly fall morning.

Time to roll out the yoga mat.

Roll Out Yoga Mat

Zak off to work + quiet house + 45 minutes of Yoga for Runners (my legs are still feeling shaky) + hot shower = time for breakfast.

Breakfast was also decided for me when I realized I have a large tub of spinach that “expires” today.


One medium banana + 2 handfuls of spinach + 1 cup of unsweetened almond milk + 2 Tbsp ground flax = about 200 calories with each and every calorie thoroughly enjoyed.

Today for the first time in over a week we don’t have anywhere to go until this afternoon. I enjoy getting up early – but I do not enjoy rushing off to be some where first thing. I’m grateful for the mornings that I can savor the start of a new day. I love having time to move my body, make breakfast and live in moment feeling calm and centered. The days where we can just loll around the house spending time in our comfy clothes until we feel motivated to get dressed are my favorite. To play, read, cook, clean and talk without a looming from the proverbial ticking clock reminding us that we should be getting ready to go somewhere. I hesitate to say that I wish every morning were like this. Would I appreciate it as much if every morning was exactly like this one?

Can you tell I did yoga this morning? Why don’t I just wax poetic. If running is my upper, yoga is my downer. Deep cleansing breaths! Long slow exhales.

Peace out.

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