Birthday Beet Juice

October 27th, 2009 | Posted by Alison Spath in Breakfast

Today’s work out was my favorite ride-the-bike-to-the-gym, 10 minutes on the elliptical, 10 minutes on the stair climber, 10 minutes on the indoor track doing speed work, ride the long way home and wonder how on earth a 45 minute work out went by so quickly.

In honor of Z-Man turning the big 3-2 today, I whipped us up a big glass of birthday beet juice. You know you want beet juice for your birthday breakfast – don’t try to deny it!

I don’t have any romaine and given I want to save my red leaf lettuce for something like oh… say… salad, I rocked out with these beautiful beet greens instead.

Let's Juice Some Beet Greens

Green and Red (Beet greens) + Green (Cucumber) + Red (Apples) + Yellow (Lemons) + Brown-ish Yellow-ish (Ginger) = Interesting.

No Cream

Do you take cream in your juice or do you take it BLACK?

Black Juice

OK it wasn’t exactly black, it very dark purple – but still. I can’t say I was more than a little concerned when I filled our glasses. The beet greens gave it a totally different taste, but still enjoyable – and I didn’t even have to add cream or sugar.

Continuing with my liquid meal theme for the morning, Breakfast Part II a couple hours later was a pumpkin smoothie.

Blend it Up

A big shout to Tay for this idea!

My pumpkin smoothie concoction contained:

1 banana, partially frozen
1/2 c pumpkin puree
1 c soy milk
1/2 c ground flax
cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger

Pumpkin Smoothie

Doesn’t that just scream “Suck on This”? Well it must have because I did.

I could not get the cat to sign the damn release waiver to appear in the blog this morning. I’m just hoping he won’t see it because I really wanted a black cat in picture with my pumpkin smoothie for a nice Halloween feel.

With Black Cat

Black juice, orange smoothie. Seriously folks, if you’re not color coordinating your breakfast with the holidays – I can’t help you.

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10 Responses

  • Cindy says:

    Happy Birthday ZAK
    and black juice and Orange Smoothies scream..something
    not sure Happy Birthday is it!

    are making him another one of those amazing cakes? mermaid style?

    well, I am having the pumpkim smoothie today…and that’s it!
    and JUICE too…but hopefully not black!

    maybe I will chuck my cat outside too..she peed on the carpet last night (while the rest of her body was IN the pee box.

    we are still confused about it!

    Happy Tuesday
    I am home today! I think a nice long walk outside sounds good. don’t you?

  • Mama Pea says:

    Uh…you can just skip my birthday this year…that’s okay…

    And I have that cow (pumpkin smoothie) cup. I always find it ironic that I am vegan and drinking from a cup that says “MILK” and has a cow on it. I’m looking for glassware with hemp on it. Not THAT kind of glassware. Geesh.

  • Please never show up on my house on my birthday, I do not like beets! :'(

    But I’m pretty into pumpkin smoothies this fall.

  • Leianna says:

    Both liquid meals look great! I need to make a pumpkin smoothie, oats I’ve done but in a smoothie sounds great!
    Cute cat, perfect color for Halloween!

  • Julie says:

    That smoothie looks so good, like pumpkin pie you can eat with a straw.

    I think I should suck it up and make a smoothie in this cold weather. It’s going to be a balmy 64 on Saturday, thats perfect smoothie weather. I mean, if I can eat ice cream in the cold why the hell can’t a drink a smoothie??

    Happy Birthday to Zak!!

    ps – on my bday I prefer a homemade cake to beet juice, just a heads up.

  • Suck on this.
    Ok I will leave that alone :)

    But yes your pumpk smoothie looks divine!

    Black beet sludge….delish despite the color.

    Glad you liked the brocky no stinky tip.

  • Holly says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZAK!!!!! i laughed out loud when you said suck on this. you know we were all thinking it. have a wondrous day!

  • Tay says:

    Yay for everything pumpkin!!! Pumpkin smoothies are pretty much the shizzle.

  • Jane/you-know-who says:

    Andy looks like his whiskers are fiber-optic!

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