Oh Woe is Three

September 23rd, 2009 | Posted by Alison Spath in Breakfast

I like to consider myself a reasonable parent. We practice gentle disciple and offer loving guidance. We encourage respect and the proper use of manners. I’ll eagerly honor requests when they are asked politely, in a sweet tone and especially when there’s something in it for me.

Maxine woke up in the middle of the night last night politely asking for water. Ava’s unconscious heard this request and she immediately woke up asking for water too. I was groggy but knew that there would be no going back to sleep until pint sized thirsts were quenched. I pulled myself out of bed and pressed my near sighted eyes to the bed side clock to see what time it was before stumbling downstairs to fetch two glasses of water.

When I returned, Ava asked innocently if her water was cold.

“Yes, it’s cold.”

Maxine asked “Is mine cold too?”

“Yes, yours is cold too.”

“Where are da ice cubes? I want ice cubes!”

If sweet requests allow me get out bed at 2:32 AM, angry demands bolt my feet to the floor. Or more specifically, shouts for ice cubes in the dark fasten my body to the bed. A) the water is already is cold and 2) she wouldn’t have even thought about ice cubes if Ava wouldn’t have brought up the subject of water temperature in the first place.

I laid back down and the wailing for ice cubes continued. Of course it would – she’s three. She’s not going to realize “oh, you’re right, my water is cold, this is fine. At least mom was nice enough to get me water. I’ll just drink it so we can all go merrily back to sleep.” Being three is much like being a man in the drivers seat or with a remote in his hand – it’s all about control. They don’t call it the Terrible Two’s because they are terribly hard to please when they when they are two. It’s called the Terrible Two’s because this stage lasts two years.

The crying for ice cubes ebbed and flowed. It would be quiet long enough to allow us to doze back to sleep only for the ice cube wails to return in varying forms of intensity and shrillness.

My mature (debatable) adult mind knows that we’ll all get back to sleep sooner if I would just get up and get her some ice cubes. This is not something that’s worth the power struggle. I’m not worried that getting her ice cubes is going to spoil her; it’s my sleepy stubborn self that refused to let me get up for a second time. The only place I was going to get ice cubes from was hell – so just as soon as hell froze over I would get up again to get ice cubes. Until then, cold, ice cube-less water was going to have to suffice.

More crying over ice cube injustice, hell was getting it’s first frost when Zak finally cried Uncle and went down to fetch ice cubes.

He returned and he handed Maxine her glass with ice cubes in it. As she drank it in the dark he asked her if she knew how many ice cubes were in the glass.

No reply.

“Three”, he told her.

“Three?!” she said, “That’s how many I am!”

Ya don’t say.

I had trouble falling back to sleep after the Disney Princess on Ice show and this would be the reason why I slept until well after 7 this morning. By the time Zak got back from swimming laps I had 20 minute to ride. It was too warm and beautiful this morning to pass up altogether so I took my twenty minutes and rode like I stole something.

Jillian A LA 30 Day Shred: If you’ve only got 20 minutes, Make. It. Count.

I’m on it.

I flew around town riding faster than usual, aiming for every hill in a 3 mile radius of the house to climb like I was in a spin class. I was back in 24 minutes and rode 6.5 miles. My usual mph around 14, today my average was 16 mph.

I really want a minimum of 30 minutes of exercise 5 days a week, so I handed the relay baton off to Zak as he sped off to work and I did 10 or so minutes of body weight exercises. Push ups, jump squats, various ab exercises. I don’t really count reps when I do body weight exercises, I just do it until it really starts to suck and then I do two more.

The only thing GREEN I had to eat yesterday was the diced green pepper in my vegetarian sloppy joes. Green was definitely on the menu for breakfast. I didn’t feel like juicing, so that means green smoothie here I come!

Rock Paper Scissors

Except the blueberries and spinach played Rock, Paper, Scissors in the blender. Blueberries was Paper and spinach was Rock. Of course Paper totally covers Rock and my green smoothie had no choice but to be mainly blue.

A banana, unsweetened vanilla hemp milk, a bunch of frozen blueberries, a handful of fresh spinach and 2 Tbsp of chia seeds.

Scary action shot!

Action Shot

Those chia seeds form a weird gel around them when they get wet and they gave the smoothie such an interesting texture.

And I don’t even care that my smoothie didn’t have ice cubes in it this morning! Way to go me!

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22 Responses

  • Leianna says:

    Great story of your night, I can’t wait to have kids:)
    Great b-fast smoothie, love all those components!

  • Jennifer says:

    OMG…your ice cube story cracked me up! Maybe because I’ve been there. (haha) Zak took his life in his hands, though, asking Maxine if she knew how many cubes were in the glass. When he said three she could have started to throw a fit and say she wanted a different number. (haha) Now that would have been even more fun. Sounds like you had quite an eventful night.

    Glad you still got your bike ride in. :)

    • Alison says:

      OMG Jennifer I TOTALLY thought that when I heard him say it! NOOOO don’t tell her! She’s going to say she wanted FOUR! Fortunately she was happy to hear it was three because that’s her new favorite number. πŸ˜‰

  • maria says:

    Okay. I was rolling when reading the ice cube story. But I am sure there was nothing funny about it when it was happening. Just remember, “This age shall pass.” :)

    Can’t wait to get my magic bullet and start smoothie-ing it too!

  • Holly says:

    haha…you and me both. i being just as stubborn, would not have stood for that either. i am glad you made the time count, got in a yummy smoothie and am happily drinking it now :)

    happy humpday!

  • Man I have so been there with the ice cube thing!! It really messes with you b/c you’re tired and you just want.it.to.stop! Last night around here was one of those stomach flu nights = laundry, the bucket, cold wash cloth, ice chips. You know how it goes.

  • As a mother of a 2.75 yr old ball of piss-n-vinegar (sorry to write that publicly) who’s also got the biggest heart that it’s amazing the compassion that pours outta her little soul, I can completely understand and empathize with the insanity that is life with lil one(s)! I only have one, you have double the fun! Sometimes it’s ice cubes, sometimes it’s something else. And there is always something else, isnt there. I get it as a fellow mama can :) This too shall pass, my mantra for ice cube moments.

    Glad you enjoyed the chia weird-ness in your smoothie :)

    And your close up…nice nose ring honey!!!!! I used to have mine in h.s. and college and although that piercing is no longer with me, some others still are. I used to set off metal detectors, now not so much, but Ive kept a choice few. I am not just a lame soccer mom, ya know :)

    • Alison says:

      hehe yup I got it pierced on my 30th birthday this year to prove I’m still young! I love it. Why am I not surprised to hear you’ve got a bunch of piercings too!? πŸ˜‰

  • Cindy says:

    add a half an avo and you have Dryer Lint!



    I am SURE JJ’s middle of the night requests are just around the corner…he woke up last week at 2 am..”hungry” (with the sign language signals no doubt)…sorry kid..kitchen is closed!

    and he dozed right back to sleep…HA

    JJ turned “2” at 16 mos and it’s been a battle over the remote, or the toaster, or my Kindle, or my WHATEVER…HA

    our terrible twos will probably last 5 or 10 years …Kyle was my dream kid! easy peasy..he’s my debater tho.

    I noticed your way cute nose bling too! it’s pretty!
    I want one!
    I have a belly ring…should go put it back in. make me feel like a crazy woman again!

    isn’t it amazing when you go “greenless” for a day or two how bad you NEED them again!

    nice smoothie Mama!

  • Lizzy says:

    o those silly girls! who new ice cubes were so essential huh? tehehe!

    Your bike ride was fierce girl, and i’m loving it! Today i have a run to tackle, but i’m thinking after your intense bike session that maybe i’ll do that instead! Hmm ponder!

    have a good one dear! :)

  • natalie says:

    ha ha. the ice cube story was too cute. this was such a cute post! love reading!!

  • A says:

    I love your body weight exercise motto: do them until they suck and then do more! Also, I see your nose ring in your picture!! It’s beautiful! I never noticed it before. I saw one on another blog recently too. Now I want on! Ha! Sorry about the ice drama this morning/last night. My kids are the opposite. They like WARM water. I know…. weird. I think it started because my breast milk was warm….. then at day care they would heat up my frozen breast milk….. then when I switched them over to water they wouldn’t drink it cold. Warm water….. even when it’s 105 degrees in arizona my kids want warm water. Whatever!

    • Alison says:

      What a riot on the warm water – Ava was never particular with the temp of expressed breast milk, but I know that some kids do get that way. Gotta love their little quirks.

  • Robin says:

    Ooooooh, terrible 2’s! Reasoning with my almost 3 year old is not an option. She is just so darn cute, but then the next second she can be screaming for no good reason. She drives me NUTS! But I love it at the same time and will miss it in 2 years I am sure.

  • Oh, how I love “reasonable toddlers”… πŸ˜‰ My toddler just got into the “mine” phase, so now he walks around the house and everything is “mine,” and boy does he get mad when he doesn’t get what he wants… Hubby cracked up the other day when I started giving a “speech” and very seriously told him that no, everything was not his, but that it was actually mine and that I only let him borrow it for the next 16 years or so… πŸ˜‰ Yup, I’m not that “reasonable” either I guess…

  • Christina says:

    oh mannnn sorry about that ice cube dilemma!! definiately not one of the perks to being a mother haha…smoothie looking good!

  • janetha says:

    hahahhah double header?! i am cracking up over here. pint sized thirst, disney ice princess, you are my hero, i think you should get paid to write because you do it SO WELL. honestly. okay so i have not used my chia seeds yet but i think i need to just start throwing them in everything like you!

  • Erica says:

    hahahahahha- enough said πŸ˜‰

  • Jane/you-know-who says:

    I’ve always loved your big eyes!

  • Bernadette says:

    I LOVE THIS STORY!!! Being the mother of 3 kiddos myself I can totally relate! I always say ‘choose our battles’ even if sometimes it’s a battle of wits!


  • Rebecca says:

    This post made me smile! I would have whined for ice cubes too if I were them.

  • Love the “Disney Princess on Ice Show”. Hysterical.