Magic Mushrooms

September 23rd, 2009 | Posted by Alison Spath in Dinner Time - (16 Comments)

We had a little homeschooling play date here today and we broke from watercolors and horse play (really, Ava loves to pretend she’s a horse) to have lunch.

Veggie sandwich anyone? Well make your own cause this one is ALL. MINE.

Beloved Veggie Sandwich

There’s avocado in there but it’s hiding until a forest of red leaf lettuce. Plus tomato and mustard too on toasted Ezekiel.

Post lunch we hit up the playground for some “Outside Voice” time and large motor activities on something other than my furniture.

Oh Woe is Three

September 23rd, 2009 | Posted by Alison Spath in Breakfast - (22 Comments)

I like to consider myself a reasonable parent. We practice gentle disciple and offer loving guidance. We encourage respect and the proper use of manners. I’ll eagerly honor requests when they are asked politely, in a sweet tone and especially when there’s something in it for me.

Maxine woke up in the middle of the night last night politely asking for water. Ava’s unconscious heard this request and she immediately woke up asking for water too. I was groggy but knew that there would be no going back to sleep until pint sized thirsts were quenched. I pulled myself out of bed and pressed my near sighted eyes to the bed side clock to see what time it was before stumbling downstairs to fetch two glasses of water.