Zombie Contest

August 6th, 2009 | Posted by Alison in Good Reads - (27 Comments)

I think the best thing about days where I only drink green juice and eat fruit until lunch (a la Natalia Rose and The Raw Food Detox Diet) might possibly be banana whip as part of this complete breakfast.

Yay Banana Whip

And watermelon. But you knew that.

For lunch I was figuring out what to have with my salsa and carrots. I whipped up some garlic hummus and did my open faced sandwich thing.

But first let me say that we love, love, love this brand of salsa.

My favorite salsa


August 6th, 2009 | Posted by Alison in Morning Craziness - (14 Comments)

Minutes spent doing Gentle Hatha Yoga #1 this morning: 20

Versions of juice made: 2


Romaine, cucumber, apple, ginger, lemon pour moi. Carrot, apple, ginger pour monsieur.

Number of juice photos taken: 2


Kiwi seeds consumed: 536


Watermelons cut into: 1

Number grunts expelled while moving said watermelon around and cutting into it: 7


Containers filled with watermelon: 4


Days I expect this watermelon to last: 2

Number of times I said “thank you” out loud to The Pool and Sunshine gods for tiring small children out and making them sleep late this morning: 4