Food, Inc.

July 14th, 2009 | Posted by Alison in Life

It must be a blue moon, because tonight, Zak I went out to see a movie.


I’ve been curious about Food, Inc. since I saw the film advertised on the lids of Stonyfield Farms yogurt containers for the past few months. Watching the trailer convinced me that we’d make an effort to go see this movie while it was still in the theaters.

Tonight the girls went with Zak’s mom while I left to go meet Zak in the city after work and patronize the only theater in our area showing this film; The Little, a small theater popular for showing indie and documentary films.


To put it mildly, this movie was very moving. Disturbing, terrifying and enraging are a few other adjectives that come to mind. It certainly reaffirmed my choice to be vegetarian and even has me questioning my choice to allow my children to eat meat. The topics covered in this movie are so important, and they effect us ALL. Rich or poor, young and old, we all eat food and really have no idea where our food comes from. What is it made of? How is it produced? What are the consequences of the choices that are made by people of power, the same people who are least likely to feel the effects of those consequences?

If you are at all curious about the answers to these questions, I highly recommend this movie. The bottom line is that we vote with our dollar. When you buy food, you are casting your vote as to what kind of foods you want to see on the shelves of our stores.

To that end, I will continue to buy organic and buy local. I need to pay more attention to buying foods that are in season. I want to support the companies that treat animals, their workers and the environment with respect. I will continue to move away from processed foods and stick with whole, unprocessed foods, that ideally didn’t have to travel across the country or the world to get to me. I’m so glad this movie is out there to alert consumers to the disaster that is the food industry in this country today.

Two thumbs. Both of them straight up.

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